Implications of Whitehead's Process Cosmology (WMPI)
for the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI)
Part 2
by R.E. Slater & ChatGPT
Having looked at Whitehead's process philosophy over the past several months I thought it might be helpful to see how it interacts with science's more contemporary conjecture of the "Many World's Interpretation (MWI)." In the previous Introduction article, The Many World's Theory of Quantum Science, Part 1, I provided a quickie introduction to MWI where I wasn't happy with David Deutsch's explanation and will show why further below in my ChapGPT discussion.
However, along with Deutsch's video I've provided here several more quantum scientific voices in hopes of correlating who's saying what; why they are saying what they are saying; and how we might go forward in their discussions.
By way of reminder, today's PHILOSOPHICAL discussion should be reasonably relevant to all future scientific speculations excepting only in the science itself which is as current as the next scientific discovery or theory.
Firstly, know that many of these video discussions below are centered around the Wave Collapse Function of Quantum Mechanics which explains how an electron or a photon can exist in two quantum states at once - one as an "energy-force wave" and the other as an "energy-force particle". But when an external materiality - such as a viewing, or measuring, instrument of some kind - is apllied upon a wave-particle duality then the quantum properties of that electron or photon will collapse from a wave function into a particularized quantum particle no longer observed as a "scattering wavelike" phenomena.
Quantum mechanics is the field of physics that explains how extremely small objects simultaneously have the characteristics of both particles (tiny pieces of matter) and waves (a disturbance or variation which transfers quantum energy). Physicists call this the “wave-particle duality.”Key points about quantum particles
- Wave-particle duality: This is the central concept in quantum physics where particles can behave like waves under certain conditions.
- Examples of quantum particles: Electrons, photons, atoms.
- Quantum mechanics: The field of physics that studies the behavior of these quantum particles.
This is one of quantum physics most basic discoveries regarding "the hidden world of the small." Since, a new plurality of universes theory has arisen known as the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) to posit that everything which is occurring between the initial state and the final state of the wave-particle quantum duality experiment is an instance of the MWI where multi-world energy-force states are actively influencing our present world-universe's energy-force states as shown in the collapse of a quantum wave function from it's wave duality state into a uniquely singular particle.
For some, like myself, the MWI interpretation of the quantum wave-particle duality is unnecessary and unnecessarily applied. It doesn't make the conjected MWI wrong but when applying the MWI into this, our universe's quantum physics, it is, in this instance, simply unnecessary and in consequence, removes the truer interactive phenomena of the quantum realm on it's own without necessitating the MWI influence upon a quantum domain.
Hence, philosophically I will show MWI's proper cosmological influence in the quantum world whereas here, in this scientific experiment, MWI unnecessarily confuses a "this-world" explanation.
Here are my two basic objections then:
1. By generally asserting MWI philosophically across the properties of the quantum world of cosmology without consideration of how process philosophy would more properly orientate MWI, and...
2. When particularly asserting the influence of MWI upon quantum phenomena such as the Collapse Wave Function by applying MWI's other-worldly inferences as a "this-world" explanation of the quantum realm.
I'll explain my first objection further below in my process-based philosophical discussion with ChatGPT... but will say in reference to my second objection that "it is because of the strangeness of the quantum world that quantum states do not need to utilize MWI as a provisional explanation of the Collapse Wave Function. It is in the nature of the quantum world itself that interactive paradigms can find "this-world" explanations without resorting to the MWI.
And with that said, and in acknowledgement to the 20th century's British Victorian Mathematician, Scholar, and Philosopher, Lord Alfred North Whitehead's organic processual philosophy - which has been more than sufficiently reviewed these past two months in the more recent series and articles of December 2024 and January 2025 - that we may now justifiably apply process thought to Science's own MWI thereby converting it from a MWI to a MWPI - a Many Worlds Processual Interpretation of Cosmology. :) :) :)
Enjoy the disruption!
R.E. Slater
January 22, 2025
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Implications of Whitehead's Process Cosmology (WMPI)
for the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI)
Part 2
by R.E. Slater & ChatGPT
As stated earlier, I wasn't happy with David Deutsch's assessment of the MWI theory in his video above.... Not because of his application of the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) into quantum physics per se (though I did disagree with that as well) but because of the delimiting view of quantum science's current philosophically conjectured cosmologies it has been providing to us.
Here, I wish to show the stronger philosophic basis which the science of Many Worlds can achieve when using a broader, more extensive, process-based philosophic view than the more commonly accepted cosmological approaches currently being expressed amongst scientific bodies as shown and expressed in the videos above.
One final thought, I was very happy with Observations 3-4 as you well see and should have stopped in my conversations with AI at that point... but Observations 1-2 and 5-6 will also be necessary for a fuller perception of Whitehead's Many Worlds Processual Interpretation (MWPI) which I have speculated with AI's help in parsing scientific thought and language.
R.E. Slater
January 22, 2025
Observation 1
Let's talk about multiple universe theory.
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