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R e v e l a t i o n
Compiled by R.E. Slater
Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalm Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
New Testament Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation
YHWH = Tetragrammaton = The Hebrew name for God
Abhir The Mighty One
Attiq Yomin Ancient of Days
Father of heavenly lights (NT)
El Berith Covenanting God
Son of Righteousness
El Elyon Lord Most High

El Gibhor Mighty God
Tsaddiq Righteous One
El Olam Everlasting God
Tsemach Branch
El Mighty God
Wonderful Counselor
El Ro’I All-Seeing God
Yah My God
El Shadai God Almighty
Yahweh I AM
Eloah God
Yahweh Covenanting God
Elohim Mighty Creator
Yahweh Eloheenu
Everlasting Father
Lord God
First & Last Gaol Redeemer God
Eyaluth my Strength
Yahweh Elohim Lord God
God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
Yahweh Elohim Israel Lord of Israel
Yahweh Hossenu
God of our Fathers
Lord our Maker
Kadosh The Holy One
Yahweh Jireh my Provider
Kanna Jealous God
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Magen God my Shield
Yahweh Nissi my Banner
Melekh The King
Yahweh Ro’I my Shepherd
Palet Deliverering God
Yahweh Ropheka who Heals
Prince of Peace
Yahweh Sabbaoth of Hosts
Shaphat The Judge
Yahweh Shalom my Peace
Yahweh Tsidkenu our Righteousness
The Angel of Lord
Yahweh Shammah who is There
Yeshua Savior God
Zur God our Rock
Holy Father
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God’s Names in Scripture
Compiled by R.E. Slater
Abhir The Mighty One
Attiq Yomin Ancient of Days
El Berith Covenanting God
El Gibhor Mighty God
El Olam Everlasting God
El Mighty God
El Ro’I All-Seeing God
El Shadai God Almighty
Eloah God
Elohim Mighty Creator God
Everlasting Father
Eyaluth God my Strength
Gaol Redeemer God
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
God of our Fathers
Kadosh The Holy One
Kanna Jealous God
Magen God my Shield
Melekh The King
Palet Deliverering God
Prince of Peace
Shaphat The Judge
The Angel of the Lord
The Father
The First and Last
The Father of Spirits (NT)
The Father of heavenly lights (NT)
The Son of Righteousness
The Stone
Tsaddiq The Righteous One
Tsemach The Branch
Wonderful Counselor
Yah My God
Yahweh (YHWH) Covenanting God
Yahweh Eloheenu Lord God
Yahweh Elohim Lord God
Yahweh Elohim Israel The Lord of Israel
Yahweh Hossenu The Lord our Maker
Yahweh Jireh The Lord my Provider
Yahweh M’Kaddesh The Lord my Sanctifier
Yahweh Nissi The Lord my Banner
Yahweh Ro’I The Lord my Shepherd
Yahweh Ropheka The Lord who Heals
Yahweh Sabbaoth The Lord of Hosts
Yahweh Shalom The Lord my Peace
Yahweh Shammah The Lord who is There
Yahweh Tsidkenu The Lord our Righteousness
Yeshua Savior God
Zur God our Rock
God the Son
God the Son
Advocate (Paraclete)
Almighty (Pantokrator)
Alpha & Omega
Ancient of Days
Anointed One, Christ (Meshiach)
Bishop and Guardian of our Souls
Chief Cornerstone
Father, Son & Holy Spirit
First Born
Firstborn of all creation
God (Theos)
Godhead (Theotes)
Good Shepherd
Great High Priest
Head of the Body
Head of the Church
Highest (Hupsistos)
Holy One
I Am
Image of God
Jesus (Y’shua)
Jesus Is Salvation (Y’hoshua)
Judge of the living and the dead King of the Jews
King of Kings
Lamb of God
Lamb Slain before the foundation of the world
Last (Second) Adam
Lord God (Adonai, Kurios)
Lord God Almighty
Lord Master (Despotes)
Lord of Lords
Mediator between God and man
Only Begotten
Rabbi (Teacher)
Ruler of the earth (Adon, Adonim)
Savior (Soter)
Shepherd and Guardian of our souls
Shepherd of Israel
Shepherd of the Sheep
Son of Abraham
Son of God
Son of David
Son of Man
Son of Mary
Spiritual Rock
Suffering Servant
The Amen, the Faithful & True Witness
The Author and Finisher of our Faith
The Bright Morning Star
The Chief Apostle
The Lamb who is Slain
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
The Passover Lamb of God
The Pioneer and Perfecter of our Faith
The Root & Descendant of David
The Stone whom the builders cut
The Word (Logos)
God the Holy Spirit
God the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit Advocate
Breath or Wind
Seven-Fold Spirit
Spirit of Christ
Spirit of God
Spirit of Grace
Spirit of Holiness
Spirit of Life
Spirit of Mercy
Spirit of Truth Strengthener
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Compiled by R.E. Slater
The "lamb (arnion) standing as if it had been slain" is also prominent in the Book of Revelation (5:6, and 30 times total).

The ancient symbol at the right contains abbreviations for the name "Jesus" and "Christ" (the first and last letters of each word in Greek), along with the verb "NIKA", meaning "to conquer, win, be victorious"; thus the phrase means "Jesus Christ is victorious".

~ Symbols of the Trinity ~
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
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Christianity: Symbols and Early History
Wikipedia - Christian Symbolism
Christian Symbols - Vol. 1
Where they talk about the Fish: The Holy Grail: The Key to Understand...
A few images from Roman catacombs: https://www.througheternity.com/en/bl...
An article about symbols: https://orthodoxartsjournal.org/nun-j...
A few Christian symbols explained: https://www.churchpop.com/2015/08/14/...
A mini article about symbols: https://www.oca.org/orthodoxy/the-ort...
"Christians as "Little Fishes" born in the waters of baptism
as fish are born in the waters of the sea"
The dolphin has been a symbol of Christ since the second century A.D. and is often depicted in early Christian art, particularly in catacombs. The dolphin is associated with love, tenderness, and grace, and also symbolizes the desire for knowledge. For early church fishermen, the dolphin is a symbol of Jesus Christ as a friend and deliverer to the "safer shores" of heaven.
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The dolphin drawn with the boat was a symbol of the Church or its people being protected and guided by Jesus. The anchor is a sign that the Christian is unmovable and firm in his faith and the dolphin, representing Christ on the cross protects us on our journey.
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Representación de Peces y Ancla de Salvación |
The Ichthus and the Infinity Symbol
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God’s Name in Textual Phrases
From A to Z
Compiled by R.E. Slater
Ancient of Days
Accepted in the Beloved
Author and Finisher
Bread of Life
Bright and Morning Star
Captain of our Salvation
Dayspring from on High
Door of the Sheep
Everlasting Father
Eternal One
Father of Mercies
Friend closer than a Brother
Friend of Sinners
God of all patience and consolation
Head of the man is Christ
High Priest
Image of the Invisible God
Jesus Christ
Just One
King of Kings
Lamb of God
Lover of our Soul
Light of the World
Man of Sorrows and aquainted with grief
Merciful High Priest
Mighty God
Nigh unto all who call upon You in truth
Only Wise God
One in Whom we live and move and have our being
Prince of Peace
Promise / Covenant Keeper
Quickening Spirit
Resurrection and the Life
Son of Righteousness
Thou God Seest Me
Touched with the feelings (pain) of our infirmity
True Vine
Underneath are the Everlasting Arms
Understanding is limitless
Visit us
Very Present Help in time of trouble
Vengeance is Mine, I will repay
Water of Life
Worthy to be Praised
eXceeding Greatness of
eXcellent Majesty
Yearn Over Us
Your Power Zealous to guard our bodies
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever.
We ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,