Quotes & Sayings
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Existentialism in Education: Themes, Philosophers, Pros and Cons

Sunday, December 17, 2023
America is First "A Land of Rights and Freedoms" Before it ever was a Christian Nation
Under MAGA'ism America is become torn apart... - re slater |
Before America was ever a Christian nation it was First and Foremost a Land for Individual Rights and Liberties. - re slater |
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” This was most likely spoken by the writer and philosopher George Santayana who originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
In the neo-conservative and hardliner Trump's case - along with his MAGA republican party and ardent White evangelical adherents - Trump's divisive White Christian Nationalist planks speaks to Santayana's adage.... That every dictatorship or a tyrannical government eventually had led to a deeply unsettling revolution.... And in this case, just about every revolution which places "total power" into the hands of a single ruler will always lead to an authoritarian, autocratic rule....
Accordingly, authoritarian institutions which are funneling the majority of corruptible wealth into the hands of a politically elite and corrupt minority will never progress towards societal equality and fairness....
More rather, these (MAGA) elitist power centers will run downhill becoming more and more craven, despotic, and totalitarian, towards those who originally placed them into power by supporting the (MAGA) autocratic movement away from an openly civil democracy towards forms of controlling, neo-fascism. And when done, will be very difficult - if not impossible - to break up, or up-end, as the world recently discovered again under Hitler's Nazification of monarchal Germany (1933-1945).
People who remember their failures and errors; who contemplate in what ways they could have made things better; who familiarize themselves with their past; simply will not make the same mistakes again.
Why? Because they now know how NOT to accomplish their goals. Their "hindsight has become 20/20"... when re-capturing their acknowledgement that mistakes were made in the past but then they will no longer remain ambiguous as to why those mistakes had occurred and under what circumstances.
That the reformationists to the Catholic Christian faith had fundamentally left the state-supported Catholic Church to establish protesting (aka, Protestant) Christian faiths of various ilks and sorts in America's newborn colonies.
Consequently, such a national history as America's thereby attests more to the fact that America was born out of the necessity to live somewhere where individuals and families could live apart from religious oppression, inquisition, loss of wealth and life.
As Massachusetts went, so did the rest of Colonial America... - re slater |
Thus and thus, America is a land of individual rights and freedoms before it ever was a breakoff Christian state where European reformists might come and worship how they wished and by what standards they wished to embrace.
Firstly, we are continually blessed with religious, anti-statist, faithful migrants from around the world. Those peoples who have left unsafe local communities in their former countries to live in an America better known for it's blended families of migrants than for what it has more recently become as unwanting fleeing migrants from impoverished, criminally corrupt local governments blinded to the individual rights and freedoms of individuals and families, friends and neighbors.
Moreover, these same global migrants who are fleeing their homes to come to America's Lands of Reformists are first-and-foremost seeking security and protection to their individual and familial rights and interests.
If anything, because of America's Christianizing ideals of equality, fairness, and freedom, all other Christian and non-Christian faiths may now enter into America to find a promising community lifestyle of peace, toleration, and amiability with one another.
Hence, America's enculturated differences are its biggest strength. That it's union of dissimilars is it's highest priority... and NOT it's division into competing racist groupings.
Click here to read of Animal House's Character List
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig…it was impossible to say which was which.” (Orwell, 141)
"There were times when it seemed to the animals that they worked longer hours and fed no better than they had done in Jones’s day. On Sunday mornings Squealer Pig, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving their chaining bondage.
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth,” this is a quote from the Soviet Union dictator, Vladimir Lenin.
Thus, the underlying idea is signified when revealing the truth that the most harmful people in society are people who lie so often to themselves, and to those who are willing to listen to them, that they forget what was in exchange for what they pretend things to be....
How George Orwell Use the Theme of Power In Animal Farm
Power can be recognized as the most dangerous weapon to use against a civilization.
In George Orwell’s work of fiction Napoleon takes personal (sovereign) supremacy in a communist/totalitarian animal society, and becomes corrupted by the power he usurped when applying (state-based) cruelty to the other animals when disobeying the commandments they had acclaimed to observe.
Cruelty then is used with one's usurped privilege of power whenever an autocratic leader forming an autocratic state applies such means of power to the people who placed him into power.
As such, when Napoleon removes Snowball Pig (aka, Leon Trotsky in real life) from the animal farm using his predator dogs, the other farm animals finally perceive who the dogs really are:
“They were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and raised privately [to be his own].” (Orwell 53).
The Rise Of Nazi Power
In summation,
“One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today's present societies have been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again.” (Sowell) - aka, the essayistAn abridged commentary,
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Author Jon Ward: "The idea that America is a Christian nation is actually not faithful to historic Christianity."Lawrence Jackson |
A White Christian evangelical, who has been described as “the embodiment of White Christian nationalism in a tailored suit,” is now second in line to the presidency.Rep. Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, is a White evangelical. His ascension represents one of the greatest political ironies of our time. White evangelical Protestants make up only about 14% of Americans, and that number has been steadily shrinking. But White evangelicals have amassed more political power than ever. They helped inspire the US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade last year, and their steadfast support of former President Trump could return him to the White House.Yet there is still widespread misunderstanding of White evangelical subculture. The media tends to depict White evangelicals as foaming-at-the-mouth Christian insurrectionists like some of those who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
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Newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson takes his oath of office in the US Capitol. Johnson is an evangelical Christian. | Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images |
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Members of what was once called the Jesus Movement sing at a Los Angeles building in 1971. Ward says his parents came out of a movement of Christians during that decade who were disenchanted with the mainstream church. | George Brich/AP |
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Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during an "Evangelicals for Trump" campaign event on January 3, 2020, in Miami, Florida. | Joe Raedle/Getty Images |
*John Blake is the author of “More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew.”
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Process-based Eco-Community Links & Resources
John Boswell Cobb, Jr. (born 9 February 1925) is an American theologian, philosopher, and environmentalist. Cobb is often regarded as the preeminent scholar in the field of process philosophy and process theology, the school of thought associated with the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Cobb is the author of more than fifty books. In 2014, Cobb was elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences.Cobb is a founding co-director of the Center for Process Studies and Process & Faith that celebrated its 50th anniversary February 2023. He also serves as Chairman of the Board for the Living Earth Movement established in 2022 to celebrate his 97th birthday. He has held many positions, such as Ingraham Professor of Theology at the School of Theology at Claremont, Avery Professor at the Claremont Graduate School, Fullbright Professor at the University of Mainz, Visiting Professor at Vanderbilt, Harvard Divinity, Chicago Divinity Schools. His writings include over 50 books including: Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology, God and the World; For the Common Good. Co-winner of Grawemeyer Award of Ideas Improving World Order.
Seizing an Alternative Conference John B. Cobb, Jr. "Whitehead's Model and Multiple Spiritualities" at the Center for Process Studies Seminar at Claremont School of Theology, Spring 2002.
- Environmental process ecology (and / or process-based agriculture) or,
- Urban and rural process-based development (sic, habitat and social justice)
- Process thought is perfect for this areas per John Cobb’s 3 minute video below.
- I suggest the full website and not the mobile platform where you may utilize:
- the topical and INDEX lists;
- the INDEXES are a compilation of topics on a topic… thus saving search time;
- you’ll find these in the topical list as alphabetized
- There are books, articles, and video resources here;
- I was fortunate to go through John’s Whiteheadian class five years ago qualifying
- me as a third generation Whiteheadian (without John I’d be a fourth gen’er)
Amazon link |
Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr. and other members of the Living Earth Movement for International Peace and Cooperation on Climate Solutions Introduced the Understanding China Program and conducted a discussion on the first few China Papers. More details in Nov 9, 2023 newsletter at http://mailchi.mp/livingearthmovement...INTRODUCTION: Many of us participating in the Living Earth Movement believe that the global problems we face in both the natural world and society are in grave danger of bringing our civilization to its end. Many of us believe that only well-led global cooperation can save us. We think that the real leaders today are the United States and China, and that their joint leadership would have the best chance of unifying the world in facing the desperate situation.Given the urgency of the United States working with China for the sake of all of us, the barrage of news and propaganda preparing us for war is deeply disturbing. If the priority of the United States is unilateral domination of the planet, then the nuclear destruction of China may result. but we believe that most Americans would prefer to partner with others in working for the survival of humanity than to dominate a largely uninhabitable globe. Cooperation with an enemy is hard to implement.If civilization is to survive, enemies must be changed into partners. A major obstacle to partnering with China for the good of all is that American propaganda has dehumanized or demonized China’s leadership in the minds of so many Americans. Many cannot think of China as a partner in light of all its wrongdoings. It is that understanding of China that we want to see set aside by a more realistic interpretation of what has happened that makes Chinese actions understandable.Our goal is not to persuade Americans that China is correct on disputed matters, that Chinese motives are always pure, that China’s actions have always been wise. We do want to persuade readers that Chinese actions and policies are understandable, and that they do not justify the judgment that China cannot serve as our partner in envisioning the changes required for survival.We want human civilization to survive on a living Earth. We want China and the United States to co-lead the world to take the actions that will keep the planet habitable, We think that balanced and objective knowledge will show that China can do its part if it is treated as a partner. We hope that the information we offer will help Americans open themselves to the cooperation so urgently needed. After reading Chinese propaganda, we are likely to be less easily swayed by American, and, of course, vice versa.Our project is different. We want to provide neutral information. We are writing for Americans. We think that misunderstanding China in ways encouraged by American propaganda blocks the path to the cooperation with China that would benefit all of us. Our task is to tell the truth about what China is doing and planning in such a way that Americans can understand, whether or not we approve. We hope that mutual understanding will enable us to cooperate for the sake of everyone rather than give priority to weakening and damaging China. This means that we are not “neutral” about everything. We really, passionately, want to save the planetary biosphere.The papers we are sharing are the work of a group of a dozen persons who want peace and partnership between the world’s two greatest powers and polluters. A list of the initial 11 papers is provided. We hope we have freed our papers from error, and that they offer sufficient information to show that while China is far from perfect, it is as committed as any country to the survival of civilization. Its mistakes and failures do not justify crossing it off our list of nations with which we would partner to save the world.If you find errors or distortions, please let us know. We are open to correction. If you find errors, please let us know. Also, if you feel that we are omitting or obscuring important features of what has happened, please help us achieve a more balanced account. Our conviction is that China and the United States working together could give great leadership to the world with respect to climate change and other matters. We believe that there are legitimate criticisms of both these countries and of all others. We do not believe that in the case of the United States and China the shortcomings and missteps indicate that one or the other of these two countries is incapable of giving priority to truly critical matters or working with the other.Initial List of Understanding China Papers• U.S. China Cooperation Energy Grid• Difference in Thinking Between Chinese and Americans• Ecological Civilization• Economic Hitmen American and Chinese• The Two Mountain Theory• Taiwan• One-Child Policy• Hong Kong• Propaganda• South and North Korea• COVID Epidemic in the PRC
The Living Earth Movement (LEM) https://livingearthmovement.eco/ produced this program on Why Cooperation Between the U.S. and China Is Essential for World Peace and Climate Solutions for Peace Week 2023.
LEM founding members John B. Cobb, Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B.... and Charles Betterton https://oneworld.earth/members/11813678 share a presentation on why the LEM’s priority mission is encouraging cooperation between the U.S. and China. They describe how the organization came into existence, share their goals and strategies, and discuss how those relate to Peace Week.
The program also includes two moving presentations by LEM key participants Robert Detrano and Bruce Hanson on their recent visits to China They both are among the devoted members of the Understanding China program and each of them have made substantial contributions to the papers being written and edited collaboratively by members of the team.
Dr. Cobb, 98, author of 50+ books including the 50th anniversary edition of IS IT TOO LATE? A Theology of Ecology, will also share his vision of A Peaceful World As A Community of Communities. The mission of the Living Earth Movement is twofold. The short-term priority is to get the U.S. and China to cooperate for the sake of all life on this planet. Without their full and joint participation, the necessary changes will not be made in time. However, with their joint leadership, virtually all nations will follow.
The second and equally important priority is to promote the foundations for a new kind of civilization in which humans would learn to value and cooperate with the rest of the ecosphere. We need a world in which humans understand themselves as part of a living earth community. We call this an ecological civilization.
The ongoing activities of the Living Earth Movement include monthly Youth Dialogues with American and Chinese Youth Sharing from the Heart
and weekly meetings of the Understanding China program
that is developing a series of papers to help Americans better understand Chinese people, culture, and government.
Please join our grassroots activism by signing up today!
https://livingearthmovement.eco/get-i... There is no Planet B!
Climate change is no longer theoretical. We see its effects everyday with cataclysmic weather events in our own communities and those around the world. The time to act is NOW.
*FYI - John Cobb is meeting with Chairman Xi sometime soon as part of his 25-30 year school of process societies which is well attended by many university intellectuals. Of note, XI was part of this group (not Cobb’s) in his youth. Videos on the home page share the vision.