Index to Phase III
Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 1 - Change
Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 2 - Thriving
Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 3 - Jesus
Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 4 (incomplete)
Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 5 (incomplete)
Roots of Change
The Oracles of Postmodern Theology Must Reinterpret Scripture...
The Erasure of Self & De-Privileging of MetaPhysics (or, "Life After the Death of God")
Phase III: Christianity's Journey from Modern to Postmodern Theology
Part 1 - How Modernity's Secularism Changed the World: An Introduction to
Postmodern Hermeneutics
Part 2 - How Modernity's Secularism Changed the World: Charles Taylor, "A Secular Age"
Christian Apologetics for a Postmodern, Quantum Age
R.E. Slater - Rebirth (a poem)
Luke 7: A Gospel of Reversals - "Who Are the Invited? And Who Are the Sinners?"
Phase III - Building a Postmodern Theology that is both Weak and Apocalyptic
Catching Up with Radical Theology
Paul Tillich's "God Above God" and the "Restlessness of the Human Heart"
Radical Theology & The New Materialism

R.E. Slater - A Long Journey Ended
The Erasure of Self & De-Privileging of MetaPhysics (or, "Life After the Death of God")
Phase III: Christianity's Journey from Modern to Postmodern Theology
Part 1 - How Modernity's Secularism Changed the World: An Introduction to
Postmodern Hermeneutics
Part 2 - How Modernity's Secularism Changed the World: Charles Taylor, "A Secular Age"
Christian Apologetics for a Postmodern, Quantum Age
R.E. Slater - Rebirth (a poem)
Luke 7: A Gospel of Reversals - "Who Are the Invited? And Who Are the Sinners?"
Phase III - Building a Postmodern Theology that is both Weak and Apocalyptic
Catching Up with Radical Theology
Paul Tillich's "God Above God" and the "Restlessness of the Human Heart"
Radical Theology & The New Materialism
R.E. Slater - A Long Journey Ended

Why Process Philosophy Might Present a Better Form of a Liberal Democracy or Socialism

Course Outline: Whitehead's Process and Reality, by Jay McDaniel

Relevancy22 - Disclaimer, Purpose, Intention, and Goal

Structuring Theological Revolutions

Post-Structuralism in the Life of Prophetic Christianity

Devolution is the New Evolution: Christianity's need for Radical Theology

Deconstructing "Evangelicalsim"

Christianity's New Atheism

Foundations for a Radical Theology, Part 8 - A Radical Re-Examination of the Christian Faith

Foundations for a Radical Theology, Part 7 - Epistemology: Language, Lacan, and Postmodern Theology

Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 6 - Theology, Philosophy, & Science
Has Science Made Philosophy and Theology Obsolete?

Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 5 - A Theology for the End of Modernity

Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 4 - A New Philosophy

Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 3 - Jesus

Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 2 - Thriving

Foundations for a Radical Christianity, Part 1 - Change

The Roots of Social / Progressive Evangelicalism and Movement Towards Radical Christianity

Steampunking a Generation of Theology with New Music and Airs

Badiou on Badiou Reference Material

On Knowing in the Bible: Is God Dead? Badiou's Reflective Thought for Theology, Part 3
On Knowing in the Bible: How Can We Know That We Know? Part 1 & 2

What will the Post-Evangelic Church Look Like?

The Oracles of Postmodern Theology Must Reinterpret Scripture...

The Erasure of Self & De-Privileging of MetaPhysics (or, "Life After the Death of God")
Phase III: Christianity's Journey from Modern to Postmodern Theology

Part 2 - How Modernity's Secularism Changed the World: Charles Taylor, "A Secular Age"

Part 1 - How Modernity's Secularism Changed the World: An Introduction to Postmodern
Christian Apologetics in a Postmodern, Quantum Age

Index - Phase III
Luke 7: A Gospel of Reversals - "Who Are the Invited? And Who Are the Sinners?"

Phase III - Building a Postmodern Theology that is both Weak and Apocalyptic
Catching Up with Radical Theology

Paul Tillich's "God Above God" and the "Restlessness of the Human Heart"
Radical Theology & The New Materialism