Related Indexed Articles here:
and here:
Process Essays by R.E. Slater
Quantum Eras of a Very Early Universe
Quantum Physics and Questions of Time
Time is an Entropic System - To Go Back In Time is to Reverse the Second Law of Thermodynamics <-- recommended
Can God Live Outside of Time? Why Would This NOT Be Important? <-- recommended
Process-Based Evolution
What Does It Mean to be Human? - Pachyderms, Podcasts & Process <-- recommended
Process Theology, Miracles, and the Virgin Birth <-- recommended
Personal Reflections on Evolution & Process Christianity <-- recommended
The Evolution of Religion as Narrated from the Bible <-- recommended
A Processed-based Evolution: "Process Evolution" <-- recommended
This section begins to transition away from process-based evolution towards academic evolution as taught in colleges and universities. Here we'll move from a God-filled process-based cosmos to an academic arrangement of evolution with regard for only scientific findings. - re slater
The Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere
The Amazing Story of Entropy & Evolution in Earth Sciences
Exploring Evolution Series
R.E. Slater - Finding a New Normal <-- recommended
Exploring Evolution Series - The Evolutionary Tree of Life <-- recommended
Exploring Evolution Series - What Is the Driving Force Behind Evolutionary Life? Perhaps "Adaptive (Replicating) Organization" Driven by "Energy Dissipation" (the Second Law of Thermodynamics) <-- highly, highly recommended
Why All the Fuss over Earth's Remarkable Cambrian Explosion? <-- recommended
As introduction, Scot McKnight's unnamed friend, RJS, produced a series of 9 articles in 2011 reflecting on C.John Collin's latest 2011 book, Did Adam and Even Really Exist? Perhaps, from a progressive evangelical viewpoint. Later, the next year, Pete Enns produced a new book on the same material but from a definite progressive perspective. At the time anything of McKnight's Jesus Creed I found was helpful as I later did with Pete Enns. Enjoy the conversation below. - re slater
The Search for the Historical Adam
Jan 5, 2012
Sep 21, 2011
Sep 13, 2011
Sep 6, 2011
Aug 18, 2011
Aug 9, 2011
Aug 9, 2011
Aug 9, 2011
Jun 3, 2011
Jun 3, 2011

I recently took a class at Calvin University in the Fall of 2021 led by two highly known speakers from Biologos which had lately situated itself in a move from California under Francis Collins as he was retiring to the campus of Calvin University. During it's six week session on "What does it Mean to be Human?" I could not dissuade the teachers from their approaching the subject of man as unique to the created world. My preferred process-based approach was to see man as intimately connected with the constantly evolving earth. One of my examples (there are many) was that of consciousness as being shared by other creatures since this feature of humanity seems so singularly unique to classic theistic thinking. That, if anything, man is unique in only the expansion of certain of our facilities but not in the possession of them even as bat, birds, and fish are unique in their visualization of the magnetospheres of the Earth.
Hence, as you explore Biologos here - and at their website - be aware that at this point they will pursue a perspective lying somewhere between conservative and progressive evangelical theism with all its old classicisms and arguments as expressed over the centuries. Even so, Biologos may be a starting point for many coming to the relatively new Christian perspective of a God-filled evolutionary creation. I list these articles to help inform, challenge, and and begin to re-orientate how one read's the Scriptures. Once ingested, feel free to roam the process worlds of evolution which move away from Platonism and into the quantum worlds of anthropology and evolution. - re slater
Biologos Articles
Monday, August 25, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Why All the Fuss over Earth's Remarkable Cambrian Explosion? <--recommended
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Certainty and Doubt: "Can the two live together?" <--recommended
Friday, February 15, 2013
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
For hundreds more articles on evolution and the Christian faith please refer to the topics listed under "Science - xxxxx". The Indices created - such as this one here - take more time than I have to give and contain only some of the many articles which have been written or edited in the early years of sorting out my Christian faith from its past and into its present.
During this time of self-examination I quickly found it to be a very difficult transition which could've easily seen me simply slip away into the oblivion corridors of Nones & Dones. But thankfully the Lord would not have it and kept my spirit to the task of finding a way out. And so, I leave it to those living in the same spiritual vacuums of darkness as I, who are thrashing through the Christian epistemologies of being bludgeoned for leaving the faith and offering no assistance but gossip and slander, I offer this site here. Hopefully it provides to fellow travellers some helpful directions in knowing where to turn, whom to listen to, and more importantly, not moving from one area of life to slip into a similar spot just as discouraging.
I also leave my journey to show just how hard it is to transition from the wilderness of fundamentalism and conservative evangelicalism into the present day. But that it can be done without losing one's faith. In fact, for myself, I feel my faith has grown far more and has been greatly enhanced when willing to enter into it with the uncertainty and doubt which I had been forewarned to avoid. So much so, that this newer mindset allowed me to ably deconstruct, then reconstruct, a newer contemporary faith based upon better theological foundations and redactive elements I would never have found had the Lord not stopped me where I was and took me away into His high hiding places to sort things out. Blessings. - R.E. Slater