Alfred North Whitehead -
Collection of Videos
The Conscious Classroom
In this lecture, Amy Edelstein looks at Alfred North Whitehead's life and view of process philosophy, exploring how this sense of ...
In this lecture, Amy Edelstein looks at Alfred North Whitehead's life and view of process philosophy, exploring how this sense of ...
A History of Philosophy | 61 Whitehead's Process Philosophy
A History of Philosophy | 61 Whitehead's Process Philosophy There is an issue with this lecture—the video goes out at 12:33 and ...
A History of Philosophy | 61 Whitehead's Process Philosophy There is an issue with this lecture—the video goes out at 12:33 and ...

Hegel | Hegel's Evolutionary Idealism | The Romanticism of the 19th Century | The Romantic Reaction in Science | Principia Mathematica Principles of Mathematics | What in Modern Science Influences Philosophy | Electromagnetic Field Theory | Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness | Adventures of Ideas | Ultimate Reality for Whitehead | Eternal Possibilities | Perceptual Experience
Dartington Trust
This talk introduces Alfred North Whitehead's “Philosophy of Organism,” a novel metaphysical scheme that he articulated in the ...
Principia Mathematica | Why Whitehead Was Drawn into Metaphysics | Universe as a Network of Events | The First Scientific Revolution | Eternal Objects | The Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness | The Notion of Vacuous Actuality | Science and the Soul of the World
This talk introduces Alfred North Whitehead's “Philosophy of Organism,” a novel metaphysical scheme that he articulated in the ...
Principia Mathematica | Why Whitehead Was Drawn into Metaphysics | Universe as a Network of Events | The First Scientific Revolution | Eternal Objects | The Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness | The Notion of Vacuous Actuality | Science and the Soul of the World
Cobb Institute
... Jr. and Tripp Fuller provide an introduction to Alfred North Whitehead's masterpiece. In this introduction to the course, Dr. Cobb ...
... Jr. and Tripp Fuller provide an introduction to Alfred North Whitehead's masterpiece. In this introduction to the course, Dr. Cobb ...

Introduction | Why Whitehead | Cosmology | Why study cosmology | Why do we need a new cosmology | Causality | Causes | Phenomenology | Philosophy Science | Quantum World | The University | Dualism | New Cosmology | 13 chapters
A recent lecture introducing Alfred North Whitehead's life and work.
A recent lecture introducing Alfred North Whitehead's life and work.
Early Life | Early Mathematical Work | Relational Ontology | Experiential Metaphysics | Concretence | Castle Rock | Creativity | Initial Aim | Nature is Plastic
I interview biologist and psychical researcher Rupert Sheldrake to ask him about the influence of Whitehead on his ideas and ...
0:17 ... as the philosophy of alfred north whitehead and in particular john wanted me to chair the science advisory committee one of the ...
0:17 ... as the philosophy of alfred north whitehead and in particular john wanted me to chair the science advisory committee one of the ...
The 50th Anniversary Conference of the Center for Process Studies | Science and Philosophy: Nature and the Nature of Reality ...
Intro to ANW. ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD's philosophy of values. Thesis
Intro to ANW. ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD's philosophy of values. Thesis
Loyola Productions Munich - Visualizing Minds
How would you define process philosophy? Interview with Joseph A. Bracken, S.J. at the Whitehead Conference in Claremont ...
How would you define process philosophy? Interview with Joseph A. Bracken, S.J. at the Whitehead Conference in Claremont ...
Marjorie Suchocki: An Introduction to Process Theology
Center for Process Studies
Marjorie Suchocki: "An Introduction to Process Theology," Jan. 27, 2004.
Center for Process Studies
Marjorie Suchocki: "An Introduction to Process Theology," Jan. 27, 2004.
Center for Process Studies
In this lecture, David Bohm discusses process perspective and physics.
Three Basic Principles | Dream Time | Non-Local Connection | The Holograph | Quantum Mechanics | Thermodynamics | The Uncertainty Principle
In this lecture, David Bohm discusses process perspective and physics.
Three Basic Principles | Dream Time | Non-Local Connection | The Holograph | Quantum Mechanics | Thermodynamics | The Uncertainty Principle
A History of Philosophy | 62 Whitehead and Process Theology Connect with Wheaton: ...
Intro | Whiteheads Metaphysics | Events | Conceptual Prehension | Eternal Possibilities | Objective Possibilities | The Decision | Initial Subjective Aim | Modified Subjective Aim | Subjective Aim | Satisfaction | Aesthetic Satisfaction | The God | Perceptual Experience | Personal Identity | God | Nature | Gods Experience | Gods primordial nature | Gods principle of concretion | Gods principle of limitation | Pantheism | Theistic Philosophy
A History of Philosophy | 62 Whitehead and Process Theology Connect with Wheaton: ...
Intro | Whiteheads Metaphysics | Events | Conceptual Prehension | Eternal Possibilities | Objective Possibilities | The Decision | Initial Subjective Aim | Modified Subjective Aim | Subjective Aim | Satisfaction | Aesthetic Satisfaction | The God | Perceptual Experience | Personal Identity | God | Nature | Gods Experience | Gods primordial nature | Gods principle of concretion | Gods principle of limitation | Pantheism | Theistic Philosophy
Cobb Institute
His recent book, Physics of the World-Soul: Alfred North Whitehead's Adventure in Cosmology, put Whitehead's process ...
Intro | Discovering Whitehead through Terence McKenna | Matt’s personal spiritual background and journey | Terrence McKenna, the logos, and Whitehead | Matt’s experience reading Whitehead for the first time | Whitehead’s insights on beauty and peace in Adventures of Ideas | Reading Process and Reality for the first time | Whitehead’s concept of God | The divine lure and the divine companion | The secularization of the function of God | Concrescence and Whitehead’s understanding of experience | Whitehead’s “organic realism” as an alternative to materialism and idealism | The relationship between Whitehead and Neoplatonism | God and creativity as co-ultimate and dialogue with Buddhism | Whitehead, shamanism, Jung, and multiple planes of existence | Whitehead’s extensive continuum
His recent book, Physics of the World-Soul: Alfred North Whitehead's Adventure in Cosmology, put Whitehead's process ...
Intro | Discovering Whitehead through Terence McKenna | Matt’s personal spiritual background and journey | Terrence McKenna, the logos, and Whitehead | Matt’s experience reading Whitehead for the first time | Whitehead’s insights on beauty and peace in Adventures of Ideas | Reading Process and Reality for the first time | Whitehead’s concept of God | The divine lure and the divine companion | The secularization of the function of God | Concrescence and Whitehead’s understanding of experience | Whitehead’s “organic realism” as an alternative to materialism and idealism | The relationship between Whitehead and Neoplatonism | God and creativity as co-ultimate and dialogue with Buddhism | Whitehead, shamanism, Jung, and multiple planes of existence | Whitehead’s extensive continuum
Alfred North Whitehead Project
A short introduction to the process philosophy & process theology of Alfred North Whitehead (*1861, †1947), containing several ...
A short introduction to the process philosophy & process theology of Alfred North Whitehead (*1861, †1947), containing several ...
Mix - Alfred north whitehead | Personalized playlist for you | Alfred North Whitehead Philosopher & Mystic 35:53 | A History of Philosophy | 61 Whitehead's Process Philosophy 1:03:56
Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947)
Kramer Knipe
An overview of Alfred North Whiteheads process metaphysics. It isn't a complete explanation of his categories but it is the main ...

Alfred North Whitehead Metaphysics | Alfred North Whitehead | How Does Whiteheads Universe Maintain Novelty | Pan Experientialism | Whiteheads Conception of God | Principle of Universal Relativity | Positive and Negative Pretensions | Eternal Objects | Summary | Consequent Nature of God and the Primordial Nature of God | Primordial Nature | How Humans Pretend Reality | Living Societies
An overview of Alfred North Whiteheads process metaphysics. It isn't a complete explanation of his categories but it is the main ...

Alfred North Whitehead Metaphysics | Alfred North Whitehead | How Does Whiteheads Universe Maintain Novelty | Pan Experientialism | Whiteheads Conception of God | Principle of Universal Relativity | Positive and Negative Pretensions | Eternal Objects | Summary | Consequent Nature of God and the Primordial Nature of God | Primordial Nature | How Humans Pretend Reality | Living Societies
Harvard Philosophy Department
Beatrice Longuenesse (NYU) delivered the 2018 Whitehead Lectures at Harvard University Department of Philosophy. Her first ...
0:00 The Alfred North Whitehead lectures were established through the generosity of Edwin Bechtel of the Harvard College class of ...
Beatrice Longuenesse (NYU) delivered the 2018 Whitehead Lectures at Harvard University Department of Philosophy. Her first ...
0:00 The Alfred North Whitehead lectures were established through the generosity of Edwin Bechtel of the Harvard College class of ...
Amy Edelstein
Sorry for the URL switch, but the cleaned up version will be easier to follow.
Sorry for the URL switch, but the cleaned up version will be easier to follow.
--- The summary of this video is mostly derived from Whitehead's magnum opus, 'Process and Reality', but also draws from: ...
0:00 Alfred North Whitehead was a mathematician and philosopher his work can be divided into three main phases at first he was a ...
--- The summary of this video is mostly derived from Whitehead's magnum opus, 'Process and Reality', but also draws from: ...
0:00 Alfred North Whitehead was a mathematician and philosopher his work can be divided into three main phases at first he was a ...
A History of Philosophy | 63 Whitehead's "Science and Modern World" Connect with Wheaton: ...
A History of Philosophy | 63 Whitehead's "Science and Modern World" Connect with Wheaton: ...

Basic Presumption of Science | Basic Presupposition of Science | The Order of Nature | Theory of Value | Vibratory Existence | Atomism | Problem of Induction | Fallacy of Simple Location and the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness | Separative Character of Space and Time | Principle of Limitation | Threefold Nature of God
Some images to help orient you in the midst of Whitehead's categoreal forest.

Introduction | Whiteheads Organic Cosmology | Where are we | Our galactic neighborhood | Our time | Excerpt | Theory or Th