Non-Process Philosophies which are
Similar to Process Jargon & Perspective
Compiled by R.E. Slater
The last several days I have ran through several poignant philosophies and perspectives which are similar to Whitehead's evolving process philosophy (known as "the Philosophy of Organism" per Whitehead) but are more like bits-and-pieces of process thought.
Process Philosophy, like Platonism, Aristotelianism, Scholasticism, and Modernal philosophies as shown below have acted successfully - or less than successfully - as Integral philosophies for regional sectors of the world. However in Process Philosophy we get a more insightful perspective of originating life and its evolving permutations which is currently the best contemporary system which connects really well between the metaphysical and scientific worlds of cosmological metaphysics, ontologies, and ethics.
Broadly, a global perspective will show how closely Whitehead's organic language shares with similarly organic religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Tao, Confucius, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, etc). Each to a more or less degree will share greater or lesser elements with process philosophy's derivative expanded by Drs. John Cobb, David Griffin, and others known as Process Theology.
Similar can be said with process philosophy's inculcation into the sciences, phychologies, sociologies, palaeontologies, language development and cultural structures (orthographics, etymology, the philosophy of language, etc), and importantly, the foundational development, and rhyme-and-reason, for the idea behind ecological societies or ecocivilizations.
This is why Process Philosophy shows so much promise as opposed to its earlier preceding or current wanna-bes, some of which are listed below. Previous integral philosophies such as Platonism, Aristotelianism, the Enlightenment Age, and Modernity Era have fallen out of helpfulness because of the world's disrupting factors in the quantum sciences, cosmology, ecology, socio-religious economics, and so forth. But with Whitehead's very agile and adaptive organic perspective we have a "philosophical (sic, metaphysical) language" which may help us proceed more fluently with quantum AI, the neurosciences re consciousness, and palaeontology's search for the quantum evolution of life, for examples.
Thus and thus, the Index of relevant titles below is listed to help sort out the best - and the out-of-date perspectives - of yesteryear compared to Whitehead's own Integral process philosophy. And though it may most closely capture how creation and creaturely organisms work and act together within its entropic ecocosmological environment, it is also design to evolve to the next best organically integratative philosophy when such a pricessually-based metaphysical dynamic comes along to embrace a bewildering array of mankind and nature's contemporaneous warrants.
As I have time I will add more listings - both past and present - as I can find them. Too, anything smacking of the Eastern mystic Ken Wilber or of the Western (Catholic) mystic Teilhard Chardin I would not consider helpful. They are quasi-look-alikes to process thought but not the same in their foundations and structures... each having histories in non-processual thought structures. Thus, they are wanna-bes and not exactly helpful to the process perspective.
R.E. Slater
June 9, 2024
the history of philosophy <-- draft

Can process philosophy rescue naturalism? <-- draft
The Mind and Consciousness <--draft
Can process philosophy rescue naturalism? <-- draft