Christianity, Islam, Judaism
What are the sacred texts of major religions?
- Islam - The Quran & Hadith
- Hinduism - The Vedas
- Judaism - The Tanakh & Talmoud
- Buddhism - The Tripitaka
- Christianity - The Holy Bible
- Taoism - The Tao Te Ching
Between major world religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Taoism, monks from long-forgotten ages worked diligently to ensure the versions we carry today. They hoped to maintain these texts to accurately represent the histories and faiths of cultures and civilizations that now exist only in their modern-day descendants.
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Part 1 was an introduction to how (i) the Canon of the Bible was collected through the historical Old and New Testament centuries of Israel and the early Church; and, (ii) how to read the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts of that gathered Biblical Canon. Having a rich, personal history, of quality Church Sunday Schools; a fairly deep Bible minor from a traditional private Baptist College; and a four-year Graduate Masters of Divinity degree from that same college's Seminary, Part 1 was for me a dense summary of those Christian years. I hope it helps those curious to how the Bible and it's texts came to be.
In Part 2 I have taken the past several series at Relevancy22 utilizing our studies in (i) process-based Axiology (Dec 2024) and (ii) process-based Philosophy (Jan 2025) to (iii) ratchet-up these studies towards a process-based Christian speculation of how the Bible could be approached and read. It's what I have come to lately come to consider as "The Evolving Setting of the Christian Bible". But this would also include the "Evolving Setting of all Sacred Texts" of all major global religions. That is, what is good for one faith is good for all.
Coming to this kind of theological proposition has been a hard task for me as it leaves many things unwisely open from those who carrying forms of spiritual baggage different from my own. For me, it's taken some time to lay aside my traditional Christian heritage-and-education steeped in the ingrained belief that the Bible is God's last-and-only written word to humanity. I've had to expand my idea of "Biblical Inspiration" over the years in order to come to my more recent thoughts expressed here below.
And as you'll soon see, it is the right choice to make and the correct course to pursue. I have come to like the kind of God my new process faith has come to embrace and dislike the kind of God my traditional faith had taught (sic, reference the previous series in Axiology and Process Philosophy).
Why? For some time I haven't liked the church's perceptions of the human character, nor the world or creation at large, nor even it's kind of Christ it believes in. It's interpretation of the Bible and its view of God leaves a lot lacking. And just because the bible says things about God and people doesn't mean that its authors and writers were correct in their "inspired assessments". It more simply means they were expressing their belief about God and their faith as much as we are today.
I explain all of this further below. But you should also know that my faith in Christ is as solid as ever - even more so - though my approach to "Christianized" theology reserves the right to reject that which isn't loving nor Christian in my opinion. See what you think...
R.E. Slater
January 16, 2025
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Observation 1
Assume God did not inspire or author the Bible. Instead, (1) approach the subject of God and faith as an evolving iterative, reflective, learning process of searching for God and faith as part of the human journey.
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