Studies on the New Testament Canon,
Manuscripts, & Textual Transmission
Part 2
by R.E. Slater & ChatGPT
Important References to Read - Part 2:

A Short NoteBelow is a sampling of videos on the construction of the New Testament (including a couple on the Old Testament). The last video re "The History of Christianity" may help place the writing of the New Testament into perspective.
Our aim is to come to understand how the church came to use the current New Testament collection of extant manuscripts as an extension to the Hebrew bible of Israel.
I have included several videos from Bart Ehrman who himself has been central to the overall discussion re the use and transmission of the New Testament to the church. Though Bart does not claim to be a believer, as I get to know him I am coming to believe that he may be more simply saying he doesn't chose to believe the traditional church's beliefs on God, Jesus, and the bible as it has come to preach and develop it's dogmas.
In a sense, I have come to disagree with the church's general approach as well and am using process theology to recover God, Jesus and the bible from it's eclectic philosophic and theologic antecedents.
So let's use Dr. Ehrman's videos to balance off any of the "rah-rah" videos by traditional Christian apologists who are unable to look outside of their Christian faith. We want truth not brainwashing.
Lastly, do not forget to read or review the five references listed above to help even out all the videos below.Blessings,R.E. SlaterJanuary 18, 2025
Select Videos

52:00Now playing
Bart D. Ehrman
In this episode, Megan and Bart discuss the "origin of the canon," meaning: who chose the books that made it into the Bible, and ...
In this episode, Megan and Bart discuss the "origin of the canon," meaning: who chose the books that made it into the Bible, and ...
The history of the English Bible is an amazing story. Explore with us "How We Got the Bible!" This is a celebration of the inspired ...
24 chapters
Welcome | Intro | The Targum | What is the Bible? | The Septuagint | The Christian Bible | New Technology: The Book | Origen’s Hexapla | The Shift to Latin | Preserving the Hebrew | The Great Schism | The Beginnings of a Printed Bible | The First English Bible: Wycliffe | Guttenberg Press | Tyndale Bible | Greek over Latin | Coverdale Bible | Matthew Bible | Great Bible (1539) | The Bible Gets Verses | Geneva Bible (1560) | Catholic English Bible (1582) | Bishop’s Bible (1568) | King James Bible (1611)
How many books are in your Bible? Do you know why? The history of the biblical canon is a long and very interesting story -- at ...
Have you ever wondered why we trust the New Testament canon? Join us on a journey into the origins of the Bible with renowned ...
13 chapters
Introduction and Purpose of the Talk | The Story of Muhammad Ali and the Gnostic Gospels | Understanding the Concept of Canon | Misconception 1: Early Christians Didn't Expect a New Canon | Misconception 2: New Testament Authors Didn't Think They Were Writing Scripture | Misconception 3: Early Christians Widely Disagreed on the New Testament Books | Early Christian Consensus on Core Books | The Spread and Recognition of Smaller Books | Misconception: No Canon Until the 4th Century | Misconception: Apocryphal Books' Validity | Misconception: Popularity of Apocryphal Books | Misconception: Church Picked the New Testament Books | Conclusion and Q&A Introduction
Title: Unveiling the Origins: How the New Testament Was Created with Bart Ehrman and James Tabor
5 chapters
The Scribal Corruption of Scripture | Understanding Manuscript Evidence | New Covenanters Before Jesus | Dead Sea Scrolls As New Testament Basis | Audience Questions
11 chapters
Introduction | Quran vs Canon | Council of NAA | Top Down Approach | Elite Voice | Canonical vs NonCanonical | The Codex Anticus | Why Canon | Exclusivity | Varieties of Christianity | Authorship
7 chapters
Torah | Prophets | Writings | Apocrypha | Gospels | Epistles | RevelationComplete History of the Bible in Under 30 Minutes! Join us for a fast-paced journey through the fascinating history of the Bible!
Christian Video Vault
Manuscript Evidence for the Bible - See the best and most ancient manuscripts of the Bible and hear from the many scholars that ...
Manuscript Evidence for the Bible - See the best and most ancient manuscripts of the Bible and hear from the many scholars that ...
Compass Bible Church
From the writing of the Law of Moses to the present, this episode follows the Old Testament manuscript line from the earliest ...
From the writing of the Law of Moses to the present, this episode follows the Old Testament manuscript line from the earliest ...
The church went through a process of recognizing which books of the apostles and their followers were to be considered as ...
Concluding NoteAs follow up to the past two articles on the "New Testament's transpiring Collection and Christian Following" I have put together another two articles entitled, "What to do with Sacred Texts and Evolving Faiths" of not only Christianity, but of the major religions of the world.My initial title for these next two articles were entitled, "The Shape of Things to Come"; or perhaps, "The Shape of Faiths to Come." Overall my intention was to ask the broader Christian question of "Inspiration" - whether God's Word (known as the Bible) is God last and final Word to humanity?
- If it is, then how might a process approach to the Scriptures aid in understanding the ancient stories and beliefs collected in ancient times into the church's Christian dogmas and faiths today?
- And if not, then in what way is the bible (small "b", rather than capital "B") a construction in time displaying the variety of thoughts the ancients held about God and God's activity in creation and the world? Here, I posit how humanity's evolving consciousness (spiritually, psychologically, and sociologically) affects it's religious faith and beliefs.
For the devout, these thoughts may all seem like hogwash or heresy, but for many of the Christianity's "Nones and Dones" this is a very real and timely question. That the bible is more an evolving story of faith than it is the "last and final word" on faith. Thus my preference for the title, "The Shape of Things/Faith To Come."See what you think: "What to do with Sacred Texts and Evolving Faiths? Part 1"R.E. SlaterJanuary 18, 2025
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