Powerful! Willie STUNS With “Stand Up” Performance!
American Idol 2021, Apr 19, 2021
"Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Authoritarianism has entered the Church; but not in a good way...

America Divided: What the Surveys Say...
White Christian Nationalism in the United States – Session 1

Organization - Christians Against Christian Nationalism

Organization - Christians Against Christian Nationalism

Online Conference - Christians Against "White Christian Nationalism"

Responding to the Capitol Insurrection

Responding to the Capitol Insurrection

The Power of God's Love - A New Christian Center

Evangelical Leaders Open Letter Condemning Christian Nationalism

Jesus and the Christian Faith v Christian Nationalism

Index - Post-Capitalist, Post-Socialist CosmoEcological Societies

The Contours of a Post-Capitalistic, Whiteheadian-based, Cosmopolitic Ecological Civilization and Society

Matthew T. Segall - Cosmopolitic Ecological Civilizations

Capitalism & Economics - A Process-Based Ecological Society

What, If Anything, Can Justify Inequality?

Rethinking the Diversity and Varieties of Capitalism

What Can We Learn from America's Several Forms of Capitalism?

The Philosophy of Ayn Rand Should Never Define Christianity Nor Capitalism - Part 2

The Philosophy of Ayn Rand Should Never Define Christianity Nor Capitalism - Part 1

Christian Humanism - The Conflicts of Religious Morality

Christian Humanism - Leadership: What It Looks Like In Practice

Christian Humanism - An Introduction

Homebrewed Christianity - An Eight Week Course Introducing Black Theology

James H. Cone - Black Theology & Black Power

Catherine Keller - "I Can't Breathe"

Black Lives Matter All the Time

Christian Symbols Used As Weapons of Culture War

Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a Conscripted Cultural Icon

When It Comes to Racism What Is Our Perception vs. Our Perceiving?

Remembering George Floyd - The Day America Died

R.E. Slater - The Eighth Day of Creation

Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Silence in the Face of Evil is Evil Itself

R.E. Slater - Meditations

R.E. Slater - A Call to Social Justice

What Evangelicalism Is and What It Isn't and Why It's Meaning is Being Mangled

"Christian" America's Weakness in the Age of Trumpian Politics

The Ungodliness of American Politics

The Bad (UnChristian) Idea that was "The Crusades" both Then and Now

David Congdon - No, The American Church is Not in Exile

Living in the Days of Our Ancestors: Doing the Unpopular Thing

Reflecting on "A City Upon a Hill." American Exceptionalism, Civil Religion, and True Christianity

The Choice Before Nations to Love and Forgive

Meet the ‘Nones,’ the Democratic Party’s biggest faith constituency

Is There a Crisis in Conservative Protestantism? (How To Engage the Moral Politics of the Day)

"A City on a Hill," by Governor John Winthrop

Cornel West Speaks Out re Martin Luther King's Meaning of "I Have a Dream" for America
The Religious Beliefs of America's Founding Fathers & the Need for Christian Theism in Ruling Government

A "Call to Faith by Breaking Faith," by Ross Douthat, NYT

The Failure of Christianity is a Modern Myth
Society-at-Large & Government Actually are Better at Fixing Poverty

Humanity Is Not Defined By "Militarism" and "Consummerism"

"The Day America Died" and the Birth of Postmodernism

The Deism (or, Natural Religion) of Some of America's Founding Fathers

Pluralism, Tolerance and Accommodation: In You, the Kingdom of God Has Come

Evangelical Leaders Open Letter Condemning Christian Nationalism

Jesus and the Christian Faith v Christian Nationalism
The Politics of Love in an Age of Qanon

The Rise of Dominionism and the Christian Right

CosmoEcological Civlizations - PostCapitalistic Economies & Politics, Part 3a - unfinished

CosmoEcological Civlizations - PostCapitalistic Economies & Politics, Part 2b - unfinished

CosmoEcological Civlizations - PostCapitalistic Economies & Politics, Part 2a

The Rise of Dominionism and the Christian Right

CosmoEcological Civlizations - PostCapitalistic Economies & Politics, Part 3a - unfinished

CosmoEcological Civlizations - PostCapitalistic Economies & Politics, Part 2b - unfinished

CosmoEcological Civlizations - PostCapitalistic Economies & Politics, Part 2a

Index - Post-Capitalist, Post-Socialist CosmoEcological Societies
The Contours of a Post-Capitalistic, Whiteheadian-based, Cosmopolitic Ecological Civilization and Society
Matthew T. Segall - Cosmopolitic Ecological Civilizations

Capitalism & Economics - A Process-Based Ecological Society
What, If Anything, Can Justify Inequality?

Rethinking the Diversity and Varieties of Capitalism

What Can We Learn from America's Several Forms of Capitalism?

The Philosophy of Ayn Rand Should Never Define Christianity Nor Capitalism - Part 2
The Philosophy of Ayn Rand Should Never Define Christianity Nor Capitalism - Part 1
Christian Humanism - The Conflicts of Religious Morality

Christian Humanism - Leadership: What It Looks Like In Practice

Christian Humanism - An Introduction
Homebrewed Christianity - An Eight Week Course Introducing Black Theology

James H. Cone - Black Theology & Black Power

How to Read the Bible & It's Violence (eg, "Reading the Heart of Jesus")

Rev. Dr. Richard Rose - A Beloved Civilization: King’s Dream and Covid-19

David Ray Griffin - The Christian Gospel for Americans: A Systematic Theology

Rance Darity - The Jesus You Never Knew

Book Review - The Color of Compromise
Rev. Dr. Richard Rose - A Beloved Civilization: King’s Dream and Covid-19
David Ray Griffin - The Christian Gospel for Americans: A Systematic Theology

Rance Darity - The Jesus You Never Knew

Book Review - The Color of Compromise
Catherine Keller - "I Can't Breathe"

Black Lives Matter All the Time

Christian Symbols Used As Weapons of Culture War
Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a Conscripted Cultural Icon

When It Comes to Racism What Is Our Perception vs. Our Perceiving?

Remembering George Floyd - The Day America Died
R.E. Slater - The Eighth Day of Creation
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Silence in the Face of Evil is Evil Itself
R.E. Slater - Meditations

R.E. Slater - A Call to Social Justice
What Evangelicalism Is and What It Isn't and Why It's Meaning is Being Mangled

"Christian" America's Weakness in the Age of Trumpian Politics

The Ungodliness of American Politics

The Bad (UnChristian) Idea that was "The Crusades" both Then and Now

David Congdon - No, The American Church is Not in Exile

Living in the Days of Our Ancestors: Doing the Unpopular Thing

Reflecting on "A City Upon a Hill." American Exceptionalism, Civil Religion, and True Christianity

The Choice Before Nations to Love and Forgive

Meet the ‘Nones,’ the Democratic Party’s biggest faith constituency

Is There a Crisis in Conservative Protestantism? (How To Engage the Moral Politics of the Day)

"A City on a Hill," by Governor John Winthrop
Cornel West Speaks Out re Martin Luther King's Meaning of "I Have a Dream" for America
The Religious Beliefs of America's Founding Fathers & the Need for Christian Theism in Ruling Government
A "Call to Faith by Breaking Faith," by Ross Douthat, NYT
The Failure of Christianity is a Modern Myth
Society-at-Large & Government Actually are Better at Fixing Poverty

Humanity Is Not Defined By "Militarism" and "Consummerism"
"The Day America Died" and the Birth of Postmodernism
The Deism (or, Natural Religion) of Some of America's Founding Fathers

Pluralism, Tolerance and Accommodation: In You, the Kingdom of God Has Come
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