Index - Evangelicalism Today
~~ all articles are listed in chronological order from latest to earliest ~~

Wikipedia - The Emerging Church

Emerging Church leaders believe that Evangelicals should let go of the Bible and reason as their anchors

[Are You] Still Evangelical, by Mark Labberton, Editor
Brian McLaren - The Second Pandemic: Authoritarianism and Your Future

Diana Butler Bass - Understanding Christian Nationalism, Parts 1-3

What I Learned from (Almost) Attending a Trump Rally

Jesus and John Wayne meets the Holy Post
Diana Butler Bass - Understanding Christian Nationalism, Parts 1-3
What I Learned from (Almost) Attending a Trump Rally
Jesus and John Wayne meets the Holy Post
The AntiChrist Doctrine of Christian Reconstruction (aka Church Dominionism)

Podcast: The Political Gains and Lost Faith of Evangelical Identity

America is no longer as evangelical as it was

Moving at a Snail's Pace - Reformed Theology's State of Affairs
4 Teachings of Jesus That His Followers (Almost) Never Take Seriously
The Insistence of God in Times of Change (Characteristics of Neo-Fundamentalism)
Chrisitan Orthodoxy, Fundamentalism, Conservative Evangelicals, and Emergent Faith

The Broader History of Evangelicalism and Christian Orthodoxy
Fitting Evangelicalism and Mainline Denominationalism Together
Roger Olson: "Why I Am Not a Fundamentalist (or Conservative Evangelical)"
Can An Evangelical Christian Be Progressive?

Cometh the End of Days in Postmodernism's Deconstructive Light
The Danger of Calling Behavior "Biblical"
"What seems heretical to the enfranchised must be mandatory
for the disenfranchised in order to regain some semblance of
a living faith unsheltered from this present day world of
postmodern angst, agnosticism, disbelief, and atheism."
- re slater
Rebirth: Towards An Open Bible and Emerging Faith
My Faith Journey from Evangelicalism
Re-thinking & Innovating Evangelical Christianity through the Example of Postmodern Indian Medical Practices
The Death of Poetry by 20th Century Modernism, Part 2/2
Repost: How Postmodernism has helped Evangelical Christianity
Review: Matt Chandler's "Explicit Gospel" misses on many fronts...
Quotable Quotes - Emergent Statements and Reflections <--- helpful quotes

Reformational Theology vs. Emergent Theology
Emergent Christianity and a Calvinistic Philosopher's Assertion for Theism and Evolution
From Big Tent to Networks
Roger Olson - A Definition of Evangelicalism
Which Do You Chose - Justice, Justification or Jesus?
Why is Neo-Evangelicalism Threatened by "Love Wins"?
America's New Evangelicals

Scot McKnight - The Relevancy of God's Word to Contemporary Culture

The Emergent Spectrum of Evangelicalism
New Students 2011 Convocation Message by Fuller President Richard Mouw <-- link lost
Are Christians Called to be Conservatives or Radicals?
How Postmodernism has helped Evangelical Christianity
"...In hindsight, my faith didn't require abandonment. No.
Simply a better resonance with what it wasn't hearing
in today's current generations of God's faithful."
- re slater
Evangelicalism in 2003 - A Historical Framework

Evangelical Rejects 1/4 - You Might Be An Evangelical Reject If...

Evangelical Rejects 1/4 - You Might Be An Evangelical Reject If...
Evangelical Rejects 3/4 - C.S. Lewis Should Be A Reject Too!
Evangelical Rejects 4/4 - Is ANYone evangelical enough anymore?
What Evangelicals think of Emergent Christians

How Emergent and Evangelical Churches See Themselves in a World of Servitude and Politics
Are you an evangelical?
What Is Fundamentalism?
Context, Context, Context
Why I can't give up the label "Evangelical"
When Did Evangelicalism Start to Go Wrong (or, Right)?
The Future of Evangelicalism
The Future of Evangelicalism
* * * * * * *
Evangelical Angst
~~ listed in chronological order from latest to earliest ~~
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What Franklin Graham says about his Christian brothers and sisters...
Evangelical Anxiety by Charles Marsh
When Your Theology Becomes A Problem
I Can Still Be A Christian: From Deconstruction to Rediscovery

The Last of the Evangelical Classicists - Norman Geisler

Process vs Classic Church Theism: Cobb v Geisler, Part 4

Process vs Classic Church Theism: Cobb v Geisler, Part 3

Process vs Classic Church Theism: Cobb v Geisler, Part 2

Process vs Classic Church Theism: Cobb v Geisler, Part 1

Introducing SuperScholar Diana Butler Bass
Catching Up With Rob Bell

The Bad (UnChristian) Idea that was "The Crusades" both Then and Now

Life, Faith, and Worship after Evangelicalism: The "Post-Evangelical Life"

Roger Olson - How American Evangelical Christianity Has Changed in My Lifetime

In Search of the Church in a Postmodern Age
14 Favorite Ways to Twist the Gospel

Roger Olson, "Review of Apostles of Reason by Molly Worthen," Part 3 (Final)

Roger Olson, "Review of Apostles of Reason by Molly Worthen," Part 2
From the Series "Evangelicalism's Challenge": "Where Are the People?" (Crystal Cathedral, Rob Bell)

Scot McKnight's Review of Molly Worthen's "The Apostles of Reason"
Peter Enns, "A Call for Diversity in Evangelicalism" (Molly Worthen)

Roger Olson, "Review of Apostles of Reason by Molly Worthen," Part 1
Peter Enns, "ETS and the Evolutionary Controversy in Evangelicalism"
Peter Enns Book Review: "The Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism," by Molly Worthen
Peter Enns: "The Problem of Inerrancy for Evangelicalism"

The Why of Narrative Theology, Its Necessity, and Usefulness

The Evangelical Theological Society's (ETS) Dispute of Evolution: "A Crisis of Bible and Faith"
The Oracles of Postmodern Theology Must Reinterpret Scripture...

Book Review: "The Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism"
What Millennials Want in Church
How Narrow or Broad is Your View of Jesus and Scripture?
Making the God Who Is Wholly Other Into Our Own Image