The people we later recognize as prophets, says Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann,
are also poets. They reframe what is at stake in chaotic times.
Hear a very special voice in conversation to address our changing lives
Hear a very special voice in conversation to address our changing lives
and the deepest meaning of hope this season.
Walter Brueggemann speaking at Eerdmans bookstore in Grand Rapids, Michigan, about
Walter Brueggemann speaking at Eerdmans bookstore in Grand Rapids, Michigan, about
his new book The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word.
(video, 62:53)
A special cut from our interview with Walter Brueggemann. His reading of Psalm 146 (and his explanation of his understanding of the verse) is one you won't hear on the radio or in the podcast.
A seminary student wants to engage in conversations about homosexuality among other faithful, as a catalyst for social justice.
Walter Brueggemann Quotes Franz Kafka
A fuller version of the quotation Brueggemann offered in our interview.
Walter Brueggemann on the Futility of the Theological Argument over Gays and Lesbians
Audio of the revered theologian explaining why the GLBTQ issue has such adrenaline in church communities and why a chance for theological discussion has passed.
The necessary context of prophetic preaching, Walter Brueggemann argues, is "a contestation between narratives." The dominant narrative of our time promotes self-sufficiency at the national level (through militarism) and the personal level (through consumerism). Opposed to it is a countervailing narrative of a world claimed by a God who is gracious, uncompromising - and real. In previous work Brueggemann has pointed us again and again to the indispensability of imagination. Here he writes for those who bear responsibility for regular proclamation in communities of faith, describing the discipline of a prophetic imagination that is unflinchingly realistic and unwaveringly candid.
Editorial Reviews
"Walter Brueggemann's early work on prophecy and imagination has become foundational for a whole generation of preachers and scholars, including me. Here he returns to perhaps the most characteristic of all his myriad ventures, with unaltered vigor and razor-sharp edge. Prophets are not just provocateurs: they are those who profoundly love their people, deeply know their tradition, and can't but speak of what they both love and know. Brueggemann both loves and knows. That's what makes him a prophet. Would that we were more like him. Reading this book is a healthy first step."
- Sam Wells, Duke University
About the Author
Walter Brueggemann is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary and the author of numerous books including, from Fortress Press, The Prophetic Imagination, rev. ed. (2001); The Word Militant: Preaching a Decentering Word (2007); and Like Fire in the Bones: Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah (2006).
Walter Brueggemann is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is the world's leading interpreter of the Old Testament and is the author of numerous books, including Westminster John Knox Press best sellers such as Genesis and First and Second Samuel in the Interpretation series, An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination, and Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 192 pages
- Publisher: Fortress Press (January 1, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0800698975
- ISBN-13: 978-0800698973
Want to know more about Brueggemann?
Go to our friends over at Homebrew!
Also, from an older transcript at American Public Media,
given on December 22, 2011 -
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