"We seek to preserve peace by fighting a war,
or to advance freedom by subsidizing dictatorships,
or to 'win the hearts and minds of the people' by
poisoning their crops and burning their villages
and confining them in concentration camps;
we seek to uphold the 'truth' of our cause with lies,
or to answer conscientious dissent with
threats and slurs and intimidations. . . .
I have come to the realization that
I can no longer imagine a war that
I would believe to be either useful or necessary.
I would be against any war."
- Wendell Berry, February 10, 1968 [cf., activism]
What If... ?
make love; not war.
We live in a world,
buried in hate and filled with judgement.
A world covered in fear,
fighting a war because of our greed,
or maybe to try and cure ourselves,
from the fear we feel inside.
Some days I feel so alone,
watching the war for something,
that we can only define as greed.
Some days it feels as though,
the world has forgotten compassion.
We can think of anything else,
but money, greed and our own happiness.
We make reasons,
that change like seasons,
to why we fight,
and why we kill.
First its safety, then change,
then its to help.
but all we're doing is destroying,
and watch as people lose faith.
The world we live in today is nothing simple,
we fear those who aren't like us,
we fear anything that's different.
We push people around,
make them hate themselves for what they're not.
Make them slowly fade away,
because they don't see things our ways.
Just because they're different,
sometimes even because of who they love.
Some days I feel myself losing faith,
wondering if this will ever stop,
wondering if people will just learn to love.
But some days I do find hope,
because not everything in this world is wrong,
maybe if we just remembered a little compassion,
and try ed not to judge so much,
the world would be a little better.
by one second regrets poetry
Bombs Away
Written by Jonathan Thulin and Rachael Lampa
1: The bombs have dropped and I've fallen on my face
I made my decision and I'm feeling disgraced
But I won't stop till it's done
My fire and glow will be fading out soon
Cause my conscience broke and my heart's out of tune
but I won't stop till it's done, no I won't stop till it's done
Chorus: Bombs away, Bombs away to my heart
To my heart bombs away
2: The devil came knocking at the door of my dreams
I knew it was wrong but my mind felt so free
Now I won't stop till it's done, no I won't stop
Till it's done
Bridge: The battle of me and myself is exploding me
The fire is gaining on me and I'm letting it
I'm searching the heaven's and earth for the end of me
So here I am, here I am
Light the fuse cause my heart's gonna blow
Love Can Change the World
by Aaron Niequist
bridges are more beautiful than bombs are
bridges are more beautiful than bombs
listening is louder than a lecture
listening is louder than a shout
but Love – Love can change the world
oh do we still believe that
Love – Love can change the world
oh do we still believe in
Love – Love
God is Love, our God is Love and
Love can change the world
an open hand is stronger than a fist is
an open hand is stronger than a fist
wonder is more valuable than Wall Street
wonder is more valuable than gold
repeat chorus
may we never stop this dreaming
of a better world
may we never stop believing
in the impossible
Women: God is love
repeat chorus
©2005 AARONieq Music

Brothers & Sisters
A change has come
A change in the way
we look at people and things
a change in the way we feel
are felt
and are seen
To feel beautiful we must become beautiful
Loving ourselves more than we love the lie
You know the one you tell yourself
to feel secure
Loving ourselves more than we love the lie
You know the one you tell yourself
to feel secure
or the one you told,
just the other day to spare his feelings...
yeah that’s it,
(it didn’t have a thing to do with compromising your security)
the one that bought
a nations love
with terror
just the other day to spare his feelings...
yeah that’s it,
(it didn’t have a thing to do with compromising your security)
the one that bought
a nations love
with terror
the one they sold us
to pimp our fear
to fuel tanks
the one that bought and lost your house
and sent your man to jail
To feel beautiful we must become beautiful
as a nation
as a nation within a nation
as family and community
as humans
not given to fight
until we know
and believe in
what we are fighting for
as lovers & friends
we must choose to
make love, not war
Jessica Holter
to pimp our fear
to fuel tanks
the one that bought and lost your house
and sent your man to jail
To feel beautiful we must become beautiful
as a nation
as a nation within a nation
as family and community
as humans
not given to fight
until we know
and believe in
what we are fighting for
as lovers & friends
we must choose to
make love, not war
Jessica Holter
Make Love, Not War
You hear shouts “stop the killing”,
Though people stay so violent, cruel.
Is there hope for the healing?
Our nature always has been dual.
As someone gives you pretty smile,
The other hides his drowned eyes.
Where there was no place for guile,
Now wars break out, heaven cries.
Men take their homicidal guns,
Drops of the rain are getting red
And The Creator dooms his sons
To strangle in the blood they shed.
Forgotten of the sense of love,
They get obsessed and then resigned.
Eternal fight – it’s not enough,
Their clemency is left behind.
But we can love; do you remember?
It is salvation, perfect cure.
Frozen hearts get brittle, tender,
Rid of ice cover that’s impure.
This is enveloping your skin
Like ocean caressing shore,
When everything becomes serene.
People, let us make love, not war.
by Den Khaustov
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