Three Views of Panentheism: View 1
Three Views of Panentheism: View 2
Three Views of Panentheism: View 3 Index - Process PanPsychic PanentheismPhilosophic Explorations into the following Constructs or Categories
- Process Philosophy, Theology & Science as described by Alfred North Whitehead; originally known as Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism, wherein the cosmos is viewed organically rather than materially.
- Panpsychism - Is the immaterial aspect of any philosophic cosmology. Examples: cosmological holograms, psychic consciousness, the science of time, an aethereal descriptors of feeling, beauty, love, etc.
- Panentheism - God is beheld as the Primary Process of all succeeding processes; this God then is viewed as the Creator, Organizer, and Originating Process to all things. God is also viewed as separate from creation but intrinsically embedded within, or present with, all evolving creational processes.
- Centered in an Ethic of Love - Whitehead's process philosophy is centered in the Christian concept of Love. Divine Love. Godly Love. The Love of God for the world. To wit, I have made Christ as the center of God's Love Gift to the world and have situated all doctrines and dogmas around love... not holiness, not sinlessness, not legalistic rites and rituals. This then follows Christ's Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, and Israel's prayer for Shema to love God, Deut 6.4-6 including Christ's addition to it, to love one's neighbor, in Leviticus 19.18b.
Put together, we then are exploring what it means to inhabit a loving faith, religion, or cosmos which is driven organically by processual forces that are: i) panrelational, 2) panexperiential, and 3) panpsychic, in an arrangement that is theologically described as panentheistic in divine cosmological structure.This form of philosophic structure can be true of many religions but here, at this website, it is being rigorously applied to the Christian faith, it's doctrines and dogmas, which were traditionally set in earlier eras that were pre-scientific, proto-religious institutions, and utilizing an eclectic mix of earlier influencing philosophies.Examples of culturally-embedded philosophies that drove personal, communal, societal or spiritual outlooks of God, life, creation, etc, have been Semetic in early origin (Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian, etc), and later, Greek-based Platonism, Neo-Platonism, Aristotelianism intermixing with Semetic/Hebraic culture come to be known as Hellenism. The bible is set within Semetic (Old Testament) + Hellenic (New Testament) cultures.In the church age, under the influence of the first millennial Church Fathers such as Irenaeus, Origin, Augustine, etc, came additional philosophic and cultural influences which later were swept up under the enculturating outlooks of Medievalism, Catholic Scholasticism (Aquinas), Classic scientific Enlightenment, or lately, a Western Modernistic emphasis upon God, life, and societal outlook.It is here proclaimed that to bring the theology of the bible up to date a more all-encompassing and natural philosophic foundation is required. That traditional Christianity has isolated itself to the folkloric, mythic and authoritarian realms of its faith and requires another philosophic foundation than its current structure.It is proposed that Whitehead's organically-based process philosophy can be applied as a philosophic-theological foundation that is both progressively contemporary and scientific. That its integrating and integral philosophic space can serve as a primary philosophical approach to God, life, and the cosmos including its integral relatability to all academic disciplines whether ecological, scientific, economic, political, psycho-sociological, or religious.Thus and thus, Process Philosophy is here explored as the umbrella under which all else might be beheld until replaced by another more pervasive speculation describing God, life, and world. It can also serve as a natural common construct between nations (capitalist or communist), religions (as an interfaith dialogic foundation), politics (hopefully, eco-politics), and diverse economies - even as China is presently doing utilizing Whitehead within it's national structures.R.E. Slater
March 3, 2025
These listing are not intended to be complete but a sampling as I can locate and specify them; however, it would be unsurprising to find these topics listed in other areas of this website.

Matt Segall - Process Studies, Imagination, Whitehead, and the Panpsychic Quality of Feeling

Part 2 - AI Consciousness vis-a-vis Whiteheadian Panentheism as an Evolving Panpsychic Cosmic Process

Part 1 - I Ask AI Why It Isn't Conscious?
Part 2 - What Is Consciousness?

Part 1 - What Is Neuroscience?
8 Questions About Using AI Responsibly, Answered
(AI Ethics) What is Consequentialism?

(AI Ethics) What is Deontology?

(AI Ethics) In Case You Missed It... Process Philosopher Whitehead Owns China's AI
ChatGPT 3.5 & I share a quick Convo about Integral Philosophies

Can Quantum Physics, Neuroscience Merge as Quantum Consciousness?


What Is Panpsychism?

Why Quantum Theory Does Not Support Materialism
Chatbot and I Discuss Proving God and Using Love as a Theology

Chatbot and I Discuss Quantum Mechanics and Whiteheadian Cosmic Panpsychism

A Process Perspective of the Human Anatomy at the Nano Level

New DNA Technology Is Shaking Up The Branches of The Evolutionary Tree

Process-based Organic Consciousness, Sentience, and some Easter Thoughts

Astrobiology, Exo-Philosophy and Cosmic Religion

Process Theology 101: Reflections of Classical Theology in a Process World

R.E. Slater - Process Panpsychism: "Is the Universe Conscious?"

Whitehead's Process Speculation about Multiverses before there was Speculation

R.E. Slater - The Wheel or the Anvil?

Process Christianity Has Many Forms which are Distinctly Different from Traditional Christianity

What A Process God of Mystery Might Mean

Whitehead's "Philosophy of Organism" Explained

Examining Process Philosophy & Process Theology, Part 2

Examining Process Philosophy & Process Theology, Part 1

Is There Any Difference Between Process Philosophy & Process Theology?

Carl Jung's Archetypes within Whitehead's Process Metaphysic

Chatbot and I Discuss Quantum Mechanics and Whiteheadian Cosmic Panpsychism
A Process Perspective of the Human Anatomy at the Nano Level
New DNA Technology Is Shaking Up The Branches of The Evolutionary Tree
Process-based Organic Consciousness, Sentience, and some Easter Thoughts
Astrobiology, Exo-Philosophy and Cosmic Religion

Process Theology 101: Reflections of Classical Theology in a Process World

R.E. Slater - Process Panpsychism: "Is the Universe Conscious?"

Whitehead's Process Speculation about Multiverses before there was Speculation

R.E. Slater - The Wheel or the Anvil?

Process Christianity Has Many Forms which are Distinctly Different from Traditional Christianity

What A Process God of Mystery Might Mean
Whitehead's "Philosophy of Organism" Explained

Examining Process Philosophy & Process Theology, Part 2

Examining Process Philosophy & Process Theology, Part 1

Is There Any Difference Between Process Philosophy & Process Theology?

Carl Jung's Archetypes within Whitehead's Process Metaphysic
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