Thursday, January 13, 2022

Open and Relational Theologies - More Resources for the ORT Christian and Non-Christian

We live in an open and relational creation. All are invited in regardless of faith or non-faith. Though developed for the Christian faith Relevancy22 is not here to proselytize but to expand the commonalities between the  Christian and the World of God. An open, relational creation and future is one such commonality. All is possibility and all is relational. This isn't a Christian philosophy but a process-based philosophy as developed by Alfred North Whitehead in the early 1900s. Like Einstein's insights, theology, like science, is rapidly expanding these former thinker's ideas into all areas of study and observance. Aptly, process thought is a way to describe the world in its societies, geographies, times and locations. Insomuch as God is an open and relational Being so too is God's creation. How man has responded to these qualities has been reflected over the eons in a multitude of ways: from  beliefs and religions, to community, to academic application. An Open and Relational way of being and thinking is not a Christian thing, but a creational / world thing. Welcome to all who would explore this world of being-ness which is becoming". - R.E. Slater

Open and Relational Theologies

This group fosters discussion of a wide variety of theological issues relevant to those who in some way embrace open and relational theology. Such theology includes ways of thinking found in traditions such as Process, Openness, Feminist, Evangelical, Postmodern, Liberation, Womanist, Wesleyan, Continentalist, Analytic, Existential, and Narrative theologies.

Our main body of posts should be neat things we have discovered in the Bible, not theological debates.

Open Theism affirms that: 1) God and creatures enjoy mutually-influencing relations 2) the future is partly open / God does not fully settle it 3) love is uniquely exemplified by God and is the human ethical imperative

Process & Faith is a multi-faith network for relational spirituality and the common good. Process Philosophy and Theology offer a comprehensive vision of the world and better hopes for the world, inviting a sense of wonder and a recognition of the sacred, based on the interconnectedness, intrinsic value, and beauty present in all living things.

This group was originally started as a weekly skype/video discussion of Tom Oord's book The Uncontrolling Love of God. It has evolved into an ongoing discussion around the uncontrolling love concepts. We welcome all people to join the conversation. It would be helpful for all participants to have read The Uncontrolling Love of God. Besides that, we ask that conversation be charitable yet engaging.

This discussion group explores cruciform theology. At the fore is the idea Jesus reveals the nature and character of God, one of self sacrificial love and of power shown in weakness on the cross. Difficult issues like violence in the Old Testament and why there is evil in the world bring open and relational theologies into the conversation.

This group explores what it means to believe God doesn't cause or allow evil but works with us and others to heal. Members assume no one has all the answers, but we can find insights when sharing our stories and working toward wholeness. Much of the discussion arises from ideas in the book God Can't, written by Thomas Jay Oord.


John Sanders - Open Theism

This bibliography is arranged in five categories: (1) multi-views works, (2) works supporting open theism, (3) works engaging open theism, (4) works against open theism, and (5) doctoral dissertations and masters theses engaging open theism. Updated November 2018

Center for Process Studies Library

The Center for Process Studies library is the world’s largest collection of writings in process-relational thought–consists of more than 2,400 books, 750 dissertations, and 12,000 articles.

Whitehead Research Library

The Whitehead Research Library provides open access to archival material related to the philosophy and life of Alfred North Whitehead. It includes electronic versions of student lecture notes, letters, and photographs.

Browse Library >>


Videos & Online Courses

Process and Faith Lectionaries

Web Essays & Sites

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