Monday, May 16, 2011

Missional Communities

Yes, it really is that easy to start missional living right where you're at. Here are some testimonies that will inspire you and show how missional communities for Jesus are created by God through ordinary people. People who have a heart for others, who wish to disciple and proclaim Jesus as Savior and Lord, who are burdened to plant living fellowships and multiply workers to reap and harvest for the Kingdom of God. These may be as simple as creating new fellowships within your own church's outreach or as bright and new as starting a completely new fellowship where none exists.

Secondly, know that within your local community may be other emergent and evangelic Christian fellowships which might be helpful to your burden of raising and multiplying disciples for Christ - for you are not alone in this task of discipling. Moreover, you might share your burden to those sister fellowships who you have found to be like-minded with you in this same task of church growth and expansion; who may be able to offer mature Christian guidance and counsel while welcoming an infusion of "new blood" and "missionary energy" they may have lost many years ago.

Finally, pray for discernment in this task of being true teachers of the Word of God as you testify of Jesus with a broken heart for those of his sheep lost without a shepherd. The Internet has given God's people a powerful tool to help in searching and knowing the Scriptures, of discerning Christian groups and fellowships, of discovering who is a wolf and who is truly sent from God. Be wise and do the hard work of discernment.

Thus follows below missional links illustrating missional communities seeking Jesus in the very neighborhoods that they live and work. May these links prove inspirational and helpful to those gifted "missionairies" among us who are called to seek the lost, called to begin new fellowships where they are none, called to seek those who have been forgotten in the mainstreams of life. Bless you. Our prayers go with you. And to the rest of us, be mindful to know your spiritual gift and to use it for God's glory, whether of evangelising, pastoring/teaching, serving with hands and feet, encouraging, giving guidance, counseling, or the service of helps, seek to glorify God in all that he calls us to do. For each one of us are called to make disciples... and to this task will we commit ourselves to do.

- skinhead

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Missional Community:
Soma Communities | FILMS
Posted May 9th, 2011

Jeff Vanderstelt and his Missional Community at Soma Communities share their heart
for wanting to see Jesus glorified in their neighborhood and all of Tacoma.
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Alan Hirsch and Verge Network  summarize some of the things that they think makes the church missional in the video below. In essence, this will require newer missional communities where none now exist. Newer fellowships, newer church plants, into forgotten segments and streams of humanity living among us in our cities and suburbs, rural areas and towns.

 March 3, 2011
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Missional Community: Renovation Church | FILMS
Posted May 2nd, 2011

Leonce Crump and his Missional Community at Renovation Church talk about
the joys and challenges of planting a church in a diverse neighborhood in Atlanta.
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7 Questions Series | RECAP
Posted April 29th, 2011
We spent the last few months with leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7
of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities. All of the
folks we heard from were featured speakers at Exponential 2011: On The Verge.

Click the links below to join the conversation going on about Missional Community!
Contributors: Neil Cole, Hugh Halter, Mike Breen, Alan Hirsch,
Felicity Dale, JR Woodward, & Jeff Vanderstelt
Contributors: Jeff Vanderstelt, Caesar Kalinowski, Hugh Halter, JR Woodward, & Matt Carter

 Contributors: Dave Ferguson & Hugh Halter
Question 4: How do you transition your small group to missional community?

 Contributors: Matt Smay, Dave Ferguson, & Hugh Halter
Question 5: How do you train missional community leaders?

 Contributors: JR Woodward, Jason Dukes, Dave Ferguson, Matt Carter, Reggie McNeal, Hugh Halter,  Lance Ford, & Rob Wegner
 Contributors: Rob Wegner, Hugh Halter, & Matt Carter
 Contributors: Rob Wegner, Hugh Halter, & Jo Saxton

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