Monday, May 16, 2011

I Deny the Resurrection

And you do to, when...
"Insurrection" by Peter Rollins

In this incendiary new work, the controversial author and speaker Peter Rollins proclaims that the Christian faith is not primarily concerned with questions regarding life after death but with the possibility of life before death.
In order to unearth this truth, Rollins prescribes a radical and wholesale critique of contemporary Christianity that he calls pyro-theology. It is only as we submit our spiritual practices, religious rituals, and dogmatic affirmations to the flames of fearless interrogation that we come into contact with the reality that Christianity is in the business of transforming our world rather than offering a way of interpreting or escaping it. Belief in the Resurrection means but one thing: participation in an insurrection.
"In this book, Pete takes you to the edge of a cliff. And just when most writers would pull you back, he pushes you off. But after your initial panic, you realize that your fall is a form of flying. And it's thrilling."
- Rob Bell, author of Love Wins and Velvet Elvis
Resurrection: Rob Bell & Flannel Ministries
This is a clip from the Poets, Prophets and Preachers conference
that Peter Rollins spoke at with Rob Bell and Shane Hipps in
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2009
"I Believe in the Insurrection"

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