Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Empty Altars - American Saints in a Cynical Age



Your Invite to Empty Altars - an Online class with Diana Butler Bass


I am beyond thrilled to announce Homebrewed Christianity's upcoming class this Lent, Empty Altars: American Saints in a Cynical Age. I will be joined by Church Historian, Public scholar of Religion, and friend, Diana Butler Bass. We are teaming for a mind-blowing, heart-expanding class this Lent — and our focus is history, spirituality, and social change. The course will begin on Monday, February 27 and run for the 6 weeks up to Easter. The class is donation based (including 0) and while you can join each session live, they are available afterward so you can go at your own pace.


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Tripp listening to Diana at Theology Beer Camp

Why Empty Altars? Why Now?

We live in iconoclastic times. All around us, saints and heroes are being knocked off or taken down from public altars. It seems that nearly everyone we once admired or held in esteem has failed us. We've stripped the altars of both state and church. America's spiritual landscape is now marked by empty altars everywhere.

Taking down statues is nothing new, especially in Christian history. Cynicism and anger at failed institutions and flawed heroes is nothing new. But human beings rarely leave altars empty very long -- there's almost a pressing need to re-sanctify the geographies we inhabit. People always put statues back up.


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But of who? And to commemorate what? How do we move ahead with new saints and a less troublesome iconography? What "saints" can inspire us to address the hurts of our hearts, the brokenness of our communities, and the pressing issues of our times?

Shouldn't we just give up on the whole idea of saints anyway? Why bother?

Join us this Lent as we explore "sainthood" for an American -- and global -- future. We'll share stories that need to be told of "saints" you know and those you need to know in a quirky learning journey through American religious history.


Keep it Zesty,
Tripp Fuller


Welcome to the Post-Christian Century:
Diana Butler Bass & Bill Leonard in conversation

Homebrewed Christianity w/ Dr. Tripp Fuller
 Streamed live on Feb 1, 2023

Two Church Historians and Public Scholars of Religion
join Tripp Fuller for a conversation about the changing
shape of American religion.


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