Saturday, October 22, 2022

A Complete Video History of Middle-earth - by Men of the West

Sometimes it's just easier to read Tolkien's books than to muck around through readings in Wikipedia, article reviews, story analyses, and videos long or short. However, we live in a sight-and-sound era which wants live-action rather than our own mental meta-imaginations and speculations. In my older age I'm becoming comfortable with both. First in using the readings, then the movies or Cable/Internet TV series, then whatever's left on the Internet to help me more fully reflect and consider all the elements on a subject I may not have thought about.

From the great tomes of the epics such as found in Greek and Roman literature; or from the ancient stories of the Bible with it's resultant theologies producing so many varieties of teachings and beliefs; or from the many expansive native American lores and tribal traditions; or even the many histories and religions found around the cultures of the world; we ofttimes need help in perceiving what we've read or watched.

Here, through a series of Tolkien posts, I have tried to assist both novice and learned by way of the Index linked below wherein are nested all of the collected posts I've created here at Relevancy22 towards understanding Tolkien's mythology. I have found it great fun even as I had when reading and exploring the books and games of the Worlds of Myst; or Colleen McCullough's masterful 7-part novel series on Rome's early Caesars.

Here is yet another series of helpful videos delving into Tolkien mythology by "Men of the West" - although this time I have made no effort to organize them as I did with "Nerd of the Rings'" series of videos. 


R.E. Slater
October 22, 2022

A Complete Video History of Middle-earth
by Men of the West

The Order below is random. The last video in this listing
is actually the most recent along with a few middle listings.
Use "full listing" to concentrate on select areas of interest.


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