Sunday, July 3, 2022

A Loss of Faith Doesn't Mean a Loss of Personal Faith - Meet Brie Stoner

Indie Artist Brie Stoner

As a follow up to my last article, A Loss of Faith Doesn't Mean a Loss of Personal Faith, I came across Brie Stoner's interview in the West Michigan Entertainment Guide. Brie is an Indie Artist/Musician who coincidentally came from the same fundamentalist church I had come from many years ago. She is also about 25 years younger than myself placing her firmly in the X-Gen's and speaking out why a God of Love and a loving embrace of one another is de facto presto! where Christianity should be right now rather than the White Christian nationalism we see it embracing and forcing upon American society.

Going to the same church my wife and I knew Brie's parents who were a bit older and former ABWE missionaries to Spain. It was there her folks had grown up in Madrid as missionary kids. Our church had supported her grandparent's in missionary service and were similarly invested in Brie's parents missional outreach. Moreover, Brie's uncle and aunt were close friends of ours as we, and several other single (no kids) Baptist couples from area GARB churches, spent a lot of time together over a ten span.

Hence my surprise yesterday when rediscovering Brie's bio. There was also her connection with Mars Hill Bible Church, of Rob Bell fame, where she, like us, had ministered for a time in her career before losing faith, letting it all crash to the ground, then going back to her Christian roots via MTS studies at Chicago Theological Seminary. Afterwards Brie worked with several socio-political faith organizations before returning to music.

Even as I went through a painful period of faith-loss and later recovery, so had Brie. Even more surprising (but not really, as re-birthed Christian's journeys go) we both came to the conclusion that a God without Love is a God best forgotten. Though I find little comfort in my generation's indifference to it's crashed faith, I find a lot of encouragement in knowing the generations behind me might have the intolerance and anger to stand up for Jesus and shout all that's right with a Christ-bearing Christian faith.

Thank you Brie for your wise testimony and deep words of conviction. To our journeys ahead!

R.E. Slater
July 3, 2022

If Religion Doesn't Change You Then it Isn't About Love
by Brie Stoner, April 10, 2021
2:25 min

In this episode I chat with artist, musician and friend of the show Brie Stoner. You may have heard Brie on Richard Rohr's podcast Another Name for Every Thing (ANFET).

We discuss:
  • Contemplation
  • What is a Mystic?
  • What is Mysticism
  • Progressive & Conservative Christian World Views
  • Did the Resurrection Literally Happen
  • Inclusive Christianity
  • Our Never Ending Battle with Superiority (Dominionism & Patriarchy)
  • Us vs Them Ways of Viewing the World

Deconstruction Mysticism & Christianity with Brie Stoner
Apr 4, 2021 | Full podcast Episode

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Brie Stoner’s multi-lingual, indie dream-rock songs

of ‘longing, fury and feeling’

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