Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Christianity in Process - Introduction

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A 6 Week Exploration of Process Theology
Launching June, 2022

6 Feature Sessions

Each session will feature an opening mini-lecture from John
followed by a conversation with Tripp and some QnA.

6 Guest Interviews

Each week we will have a special guest theologian from
the  larger Process-Relational theological community.

Online Community
Everyone will be invited to join the private online group to connect with other
nerds and have access to everything in Audio/Video on the class resource page.

Class Outline
Each week during the class we will have a main session with John & Tripp exploring a central theme of Process theology. These sessions will center on Cobb's mini-lecture and will be followed by conversation and QnA.

1) The Authority of Scripture

2) God's Incarnation in Jesus

3) The Divine Relationality

4) The Human Experience of God:
 "Law & Grace"

5) The "Kingdom of God"

6) Life After Death

Meet The Hosts

John B. Cobb Jr.
Xavier University
Dr. Cobb taught theology at the Claremont School of Theology from 1958 to 1990. In 2014 he became the first theologian elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences for his interdisciplinary work in ecology, economics, and biology. He has published over 30 books including the first full-length text in eco-philosophy.

In 1973, with David Griffin, he established the Center for Process Studies. In retirement, he lives at Pilgrim Place in Claremont, California. Throughout his career, he has contributed to Whitehead scholarship and promoted process-relational programs and organizations. Most recently, he helped found the Claremont Institute for Process Studies, and has been heavily involved in supporting work toward the goal of China becoming an ecological civilization.

Tripp Fuller
University of Edinburgh
Dr. Fuller is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theology & Science at the University of Edinburgh. He recently released Divine Self-Investment: a Constructive Open and Relational Christology, the first book in the Studies in Open and Relational Theology series. For over 12 years Tripp has been doing the Homebrewed Christianity podcast (think on-demand internet radio) where he interviews different scholars about their work so you can get nerdy in traffic, on the treadmill, or doing the dishes. Last year it had over 3.5 million downloads. It also inspired a book series with Fortress Press called the Homebrewed Christianity Guides to... topics like God, Jesus, Spirit, Church History, etc. Tripp is a very committed and (some of his friends think overly ) engaged Lakers fan and takes Star Wars and Lord of the Rings very seriously.

Special Guests
As we explore our centering themes in our main sessions, we also have a second session each week with a different Process thinker. Each guest brings a different angle, expression, and passion for the broad Process tradition.

Jacob Erickson

Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics at Trinity College Dublin

Donna Bowman
Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Norbert O. Schedler
Honors College at the University of Central Arkansas

Catherine Keller
George T. Cobb Professor of Constructive Theology in the Theological School and Graduate Division of Religion of Drew University

Joseph A. Bracken S.J.

Emeritus Professor of Theology, Xavier University

Jon I. Gill

Visiting Professor of Africana Studies in Religion at Pomona College

Wm. Andrew Schwartz
Executive Director of the Center for Process Studies & Assistant Professor of Process Studies & Comparative Theology with Claremont School of Theology

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