Thursday, May 5, 2022


Here’s Tripp & Diana’s Finals Thoughts
on Jesus De/Constructed for Lent

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After Jesus Before Christianity

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From the creative minds of the scholarly group behind the groundbreaking Jesus Seminar comes this provocative and eye-opening look at the roots of Christianity that offers a thoughtful reconsideration of the first two centuries of the Jesus movement, transforming our understanding of the religion and its early dissemination.
Christianity has endured for more than two millennia and is practiced by billions worldwide today. Yet that longevity has created difficulties for scholars tracing the religion’s roots, distorting much of the historical investigation into the first two centuries of the Jesus movement. But what if Christianity died in the fourth or fifth centuries after it began? How would that change how historians see and understand its first two hundred years?
Considering these questions, three Bible scholars from the Westar Institute summarize the work of the Christianity Seminar and its efforts to offer a new way of thinking about Christianity and its roots. Synthesizing the institute’s most recent scholarship—bringing together the many archaeological and textual discoveries over the last twenty years—they have found:
  • There were multiple Jesus movements, not a singular one, before the fourth century
  • There was nothing called Christianity until the third century
  • There was much more flexibility and diversity within Jesus’s movement before it became centralized in Rome, not only regarding the Bible and religious doctrine, but also understandings of gender, sexuality and morality.
Exciting and revolutionary, After Jesus Before Christianity provides fresh insights into the real history behind how the Jesus movement became Christianity.
After Jesus Before Christianity includes more than a dozen black-and-white images throughout.

After Jesus Before Christianity
Mar 21, 2022

Diana and Tripp are thrilled to host the authors of "After Jesus Before Christianity" for a webinar exploring the new book and how their research into the earliest Jesus Movements can challenge those of us who struggle to follow Jesus today.
You can check the book out here:
This is a special bonus session from the school blind Lent group - Jesus De/Constructed w/ Diana Butler Bass & Tripp Fuller.
Check the group out here:

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Post-Easter Bible QnA w/John Dominic Crossan
Apr 21, 2022

April 4, 2022 By Tripp Fuller 
John Dominic Crossan is back on the podcast talking about his new book Render Unto Caesar: The Struggle over Christ and Culture in the New Testament. It is always a blast to have Dom on the podcast and this is no exception! Dr. Crossan is one of the leading New Testament scholars today. Not only has he significantly contributed to the academic guild, but he has consistently written texts for a larger audience. 
Want to hang out with Dom? Then come join an upcoming live stream QnA where he will be tackling a bunch of Bible questions from listeners. It promises to be a nerdy good time!
Previous Visits from Crossan to the podcast 

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Previous Episodes with Diana & Tripp

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