Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Center for Open & Relational Theology

On America's Insurrection Day, a day which will live on in infamy, I would like to remember my friend Tom Oord who began several years ago a place for community and education around Open & Relational Theology(ORT).

I had come to this biblical perspective on my own early on when developing Relevancy22 not realising it was its own theology until I discovered it six months afterwards. Tom was one of my first contacts whom I have followed since his firing from a college he was teaching at. His fortitude through this harsh event endeared himself to me and I have felt like I've had a twin brother in arms as we forged through the fires of classical Calvinism and conservative evangelical theology far, far removed from the lands where God lives and breathes.

And so, from time to time, I like to direct reader's attentions to the Center for ORT, to use it, to participate with its members, and hopefully find therein, as I have, a rich and rewarding community where I might contemplate anew my spiritual life in God's love.

R.E. Slater
January 6, 2022

What is Open and Relational Theology?
Oct 15, 2020

This 2-minute video offers a brief introduction to Open and Relational Theology.
For more information, visit the Center for Open and Relational Theology website

ORT Community


News & Events

Samuel M. Coker, “God is in the Rhythm: Process Theology and Popular Music” (class)

When I Grow Up

Brian Felushko, “The Cross through Love’s Lens” (Brian’s Briefs)

Brian Felushko, “If Love is the Lens…” (Brian’s Briefs)

Sharon R. Harvey: “Co-initiating Paradox” (essay)

Matthias Remenyi: “God is Not Your Buddy: Reflecting on Friendship With God”

Joshua G. Patterson, “Salvation As Partnering with God”

Cobb Institute Class Offering: “Beauty and Process Theology”

Cobb Institute Class Offering: “God is in the Rhythm"

Tamara A. Coleman, “Does God Really Answer Prayer” (essay)

Seth Wade, “Partnering with God to Break the Yoke of Christian Fundamentalism” (essay)

Mike Edwards, “God Desires Partners for Change” (essay)

Tripp Fuller on Trans Regret Snoopy, 1 Thessalonians 5

Brian Felushko, “If God Cannot Not Love…” (Brian’s Briefs)

Teri Daily on Incarnations

Jay Mcdaniel, “Christmas Eve”

Brian Felushko, “Embracing a Theology of a Nonviolent God” (Brian’s Briefs)

Andrew Davis Featured on Closer To Truth

Cody Stauffer, “Shut up and LISTEN!” (essay)

K. E. Carver, “Partnering Past a Pandemic” (essay)

Kristian Bonde-Nielson, “God Doesn’t Care What You Think!” (essay)

Eric Seibert and Joshua Patterson, “Enjoying the Old Testament” – podcast

Christina Hutchins, “Varieties of Divine Enfleshment,” Cobb Institute Online Lecture

Andre Rabe, “Wonder and Mystery” – Video

Daniel K. Held, “What if God’s Salvation Involves Not Christ’s Dying for Us…” (essay)

Jonathan J. Foster, “God in Partnership with Us (in our Sexual Relationships)” (essay)

Joshua Rasmussen, “How to Expand God’s Sight” (essay)

Mike Koolen, “Is God Just Winging It?”

Alan Rhoda, “A Quick Refutation of Molinism”

Callid Keefe-Perry, “Engaging the Optative: Misplaced Concreteness, Changing the Future, and the Power of Imagination” (Dec 14, Lecture)

Brian Felushko, “I Only Know in Part” (blog post)

Andrew Davis, Andrew Schwartz, and Maria-Teresa Teixeira Edit New Book, “Process Cosmology"

Alan Rhoda, “Why Molenism Can’t Meet the Grounding Objection”

Clarence White, “Relational Ethics” (essay)

John F. Pohl, “An Open and Relational God and Modern Medicine” (essay)

J.R. Histwit, “God’s Partnership and Different Religions” (essay)

ORTline: International Online Open and Relational Theology Conference, Feb. 19, 2022

Sheri Kling Hosts Web Conversation, “Why Ritual Matters”

Johan Tredoux, “Swimming with Crocodiles” (article)

Thomas Jay Oord, Deanna Young, and Rick Quinn Webinar, “Webinar | Is God in Control?”

Monica Coleman Launches “Advent 4 Real Life” Series

Deanna M. Young, “Tattoos can be Life-Changing” (essay)

Bonnie Rambob, “Parenting and Providence” (essay)

Robert D. Cornwall, "Partnering with Divine Energies” (essay)

Thomas Jay Oord, "God Can’t Stop Trauma Single-Handedly"

Johan Tredoux, "Swimming with Crocodiles"

Rabbi Asher Meza, "God and the Future"

Michel Weatherall Reviews "Open and Relational Theology"

Jay McDaniel, Bethanie Sollereder, and John Cobb, "​​Did God Design Venus Flytraps?"

Janyne McConnaughey, "“From Blind Obedience to Relational Choice” (essay)

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