Monday, November 1, 2021

EcoCiv Korea Conference Invite - November 4/5 & 11/12, 2021

A Decade to Make a Difference:
Making A Difference by Changing the Way 
We Think & Teach

It is our conviction, and that of our partners, that society needs to change at a level far deeper than most people realize. Solar panels, electric cars, and carbon taxes get nowhere close to addressing the underlying causes of our complex social-environmental challenges. The interconnection of our world’s biggest problems requires a paradigm shift—a transformation of our social and economic organization that is guided by a change in values and worldviews. As reports from the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicate, time is running short…we only have a decade to make a difference.

EcoCiv Korea is launching “A Decade to Make a Difference” conference series on the urgent need for civilizational change. This year, our two-day international conference will focus on making a different through religion and education. The event will be fully online via Zoom with simultaneous translation. The first day will focus on “Religions and Higher Education for Ecological Civilization,” while the second day will focus on “Ecological Transition Education and Food.”

Below is a schedule outline. Details on speakers and panelists forthcoming.

All times listed are Seoul Time. Simultaneous translation (English and Korean) will be provided unless otherwise noted.

November 5: Making A Difference Through Religious Education

9:00-9:20 Keynote: John B. Cobb, Jr. “A Decade to Make a Difference: The Urgent Need for Civilizational Change”

9:20-9:30 Audience Q&A

9:30-10:20 Morning Dialogue Part 1 What Can Religions Do to Make a Difference?

10:20-10:40 Audience Q&A

10:40-10:50 Break

10:50-11:40 Morning Dialogue Part 2 Religious Education: Uniting University and Church for Civilizational Change

11:40-12:00 Audience Q&A

Day 1 Concludes

* * * * * * *

November 12: Ecological Transition Education and Food

9:00-9:20 Keynote: A Decade to Make a Difference

9:20-9:30 Audience Q&A

9:30-10:20 Morning Dialogue Part 1 Education for Ecological Civilization

10:20-10:40 Audience Q&A

10:40-10:50 Break

10:50-11:40 Morning Dialogue Part 2 Climate, Food, and Education for Sustainable Development

11:40-12:00 Audience Q&A

12:00-2:00 Lunch Break

Afternoon Sessions: Korean Language Only (No Translation)

2:00-2:20 Plenary Talk Heeyeon Cho, Superintendent for Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education

Afternoon Dialogue Part 1 From Organic Free School Lunch to Climate School Lunch

3:00-3:30 Audience Q&A

3:30-3:40 Break

3:40-4:40 Afternoon Dialogue Part 2 Round Table with Students

4:30-4:50 Audience Q&A

4:50-5:00 Concluding Remarks for Day 2


* * * * * * *


Welcome and Intro

Philip Clayton, President, Institute for Ecological Civilization

Sungyoung Kang, President, Hanshin University

Keynote Speaker - John B. Cobb Jr.
Professor Emeritus of the Claremont School of Theology, theologian, philosopher, and environmentalist

Morning Dialogue Part 1 - What Can Religions Do to Make a Difference?

Moderator - Dr. Andrew Schwartz
Executive Director, Center for Process Studies & 
Assistant Professor of Process and Comparative Theology


Audrey Kitagawa
President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation, the President of the Light of Awareness International Spiritual Family

The Rev. Dr. Sooil Chai
Senior Pastor at Kyungdong Presbyterian Church, Seoul, South Korea

Mary Evelyn Tucker
Founder of the field of "religion and ecology." Professor at Yale University

Morning Dialogue Part 2 - Religious Education: Uniting University and Church for Civilizational Change

Moderator - The Rev. Dongwoo Lee, Ph.D. Candidate
Director of Ecological Civilization Korea


Dr. Jeffery Kuan
President, Claremont School of Theology

The Rev. Dr. Chul Chun
Dean of School of Theology at Hanshin University

Laurel Kearns
Founder of Green Seminaries Initiative, Associate Professor of Sociology and Religion and Environmental Studies, Drew Theological School

Event Co-Sponsors:

· Institute for Ecological Civilization

· Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education

· Korea Green Foundation

· Hanshin University

· Center for Process Studies

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