Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Five Surprising Similarities Between Christianity & Islam

Five Surprising Similarities Between
Christianity & Islam

by Sal
December 21, 2020

Photo Credits: World Magazine

Let’s forget about differences for a second.

With more than 2.4 billion followers, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. In terms of percentage and worldwide spread, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world with around 1.8 billion adherents. However, these two major faiths are still perceived to be substantially disparate in terms of followers, beliefs, and practices. With Christianity being practiced majorly in the Western world, and Islam is the dominant religion in Middle-East and Asia, their geographical compositions differ considerably as well.

Furthermore, both belief systems have attracted and provoked significant negative criticism and ire over the years. Contrary to what many believe, however, both Christianity and Islam are perhaps two of the most closely linked religions to have ever existed. With a myriad of similarities stemming from their shared history and belief systems, Muslims and Christians are called Abrahamic cousins for a good reason.

Here are five surprising similarities between the two major faiths that are a source of perceived salvation for billions of people around the globe.

1. Both have the same basic framework

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are the main three Abrahamic religions. Abrahamic alludes to the fact that all three are Semitic-originated religions that claim descent from the Judaism of the ancient Israelites and the worship of the God of Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam). In this regard, Christianity and Islam are monolithic religions that propagate the belief that divinity lies with one God who is the creator of everything. In fact, monotheism is the underlining fundamental belief of both faiths. Moreover, the structural similarities go beyond this.

They both have a revered prophet who preached the word of God against all adversities of his time. Muslims draw their jurisprudence from Prophet Muhammad’s word, whereas Christians believe in Prophet Jesus Christ. Lastly, people of both religions believe in similar rules/commandments that not only influence their moral conduct and behavior in this world but also inform their relationship with God. In this regard, they are also run on the inherent notions of heaven, hell, day of judgment, and the divine reward.

2. A shared History

Not only do the followers of these Abrahamic faiths believe in the existence of one true God, but they also share their historical roots. The Middle East acts as the birthplace of these two faiths. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is modern-day Israel, and carried his Baptisms in the region surrounding Jerusalem. Islam was born in Arabia (modern-day Saudi Arabia), mainly in the cities of Makkah and Medina, which were both home to Prophet Muhammad. All these places are accorded unparalleled spiritual importance in the Middle East.

Besides their region of origin, both religions also have similar genesis when it comes to major prophets and religious personalities that shape their legacies. Primarily, they trace their histories — and the history of human creation — to the first man ‘Prophet Adam’. Similarly, the sacrifice of Abraham (Ibrahim for Muslims), the struggles of Moses, the Ark of Noah (Noh in Islam), the piousness of John the Baptist, and the miracles of Prophet Jesus (Isa for Muslims) are all heralded as telling tales shared between the two religions. In fact, believing in Prophet Jesus — who is the main Prophet for Christians — is a cornerstone belief for Muslims as well. Quran and Prophet Muhammad hold Prophet Jesus in high regard. In fact, Islamic tradition also believes in the coming of the antichrist and the resurrection of the Prophet Jesus.

3. Jesus and Muhammad

Christianity revolves around the tradition and practices of Jesus and, similarly, Islam revolves around the tradition set by Prophet Muhammad. The sanctity of both figures is of utmost importance in both religions. The story of Jesus, as accepted by Islam as well, is quite similar to the story of Prophet Muhammad. Jesus’s birth was a miracle since he was born of a virgin woman named Mary (Maryum in Islamic tradition). He faced considerable hardships while preaching the message of God; his struggles are matched only by Prophet Muhammad who was shunned by his own people when he started spreading Islam. Despite all the social calamities they faced, both Prophets continued preaching their respective faith. It is true that, unlike Prophet Muhammad, Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities; however, both of them still succeeded in setting stones for the two most prominent organized religions of the world.

Interestingly, both religions also value the steadfast companions of their respective prophets. For example, the twelve disciples of Jesus of Nazareth have the same status in Christianity as the ten blessed companions of Prophet Muhammad who were with him through thick and thin. Besides that, both did works of charity to help the poor. Both elevated the role of women in their respective societies. Both transformed their societies through major social and political reforms. And both taught about God, and in their own way, tried to bring people into deeper spiritual communion with God.

4. Holy Books — Bible and Quran

Islam and Christianity both have their own sacred books — the Quran in Islam and the Bible in Christianity — which are considered to be the source of God’s word. These books hold the messages that were preached by the respective prophets of both religions. In fact, the Quran acknowledges the existence of the Bible as God’s word as well; however, it holds that the essence and meaning have been changed.

Muslims and Christians treat their books as sources of morality. The basic doctrines stated in the holy scriptures are treated as God’s covenants which need to be followed earnestly by all. These include the commandments of Jesus in the case of the bible and the pillars of Islam in the case of the Quran. Both are treated with equal reverence by their followers.

5. Belief in the Hereafter and Accountability

One of the most defining features of all Abrahamic religions is the notion of accountability. The fundamental idea in both Christianity and Islam is that man would be held accountable for his actions on the day of judgment. The result of this divine accountability would then determine if a person would land in heaven on hell in the hereafter. It is the stringent theme of accountability at God’s hands that compels the adherents of both faiths to follow their respective commandments.

In fact, Christianity and Islam both regard the ongoing life on this planet as being frivolous and temporary; the life of the hereafter, on the contrary, is eternal and permanent. The promise of reward or punishment, therefore, influences the behavior and actions of Muslims and Christians alike.

Regardless of the differences between Islam and Christianity, both religions are closer to each other than what many people believe. Moreover, despite all their similarities and differences, these two great religions, with all their beliefs and dogmas, continue to influence the world in unprecedented ways.

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