Monday, July 17, 2017

The Ungodliness of American Politics

Just a short segment here today taken from a friend's facebook post which I'll post as anon while considering it excellent advice on avoiding the ungodliness of American Politics.

R.E. Slater
July 17, 2017


The following is inspired by a post by Rachel Held Evens (I took her thoughts but shifted the focus):

  • Some people think my preaching is "awfully political." I think it's awfully gospel.
  • I don't say it’s wrong to mock people with disabilities because it's political; I say it's wrong because the gospel of Jesus Christ says it's wrong.
  • I don't reject the notion that demeaning, groping, insulting, and assaulting women is “just how men are” because it's political; I say it's wrong because the gospel of Jesus Christ says it's wrong.
  • I don't demand policy changes, even risking arrest, that address climate change because it's political; I put my body on the line because the gospel of Jesus Christ says I must care for my neighbors, the poor, the vulnerable -- the very people who will suffer the most because of climate change.
  • I don't support a free press because it's political; I support a free press because the freedom to follow Jesus is link to the freedom of speech.
  • I don't speak out when religious and ethnic minorities are targeted with misinformation campaigns that have dramatically increased hate crimes against them because it's political; I say it's wrong because the gospel of Jesus Christ says it's wrong.
  • Don't believe that the president of the United States is above the rule of law because it's political; I believe that everyone is accountable, especially our leaders, to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • I don't say it's wrong to turn away desperate refugee families, including many children, from safety (a decision that is based on misinformation and fear) because it's political; I say it's wrong because the gospel of Jesus Christ says it's wrong.
  • I don't call my Senators to oppose a healthcare bill that would likely increase the abortion rate and definitely leave my friends with special needs kids bankrupt and desperate because it's political; I call my Senators because the gospel of Jesus Christ tells me to care for the sick.
  • I don't expect the president of the United States to behave with some semblance of decorum and decency, even on Twitter, because it's political; I expect proper behavior because the gospel of Jesus Christ expect proper behavior.
  • I don't get angry when Christian leaders shrug off sexual assault, lying, racism, bullying, cruelty to the vulnerable, and unapologetic greed and self-aggrandizement because it's political; I say it's wrong because the gospel of Jesus Christ says it's wrong.
  • I don't turn over tables when Christians sing hymns in honor of this administration's ethno-nationalist agenda because it's political; I do it because the gospel of Jesus Christ says it's wrong.

Sure, it may look political to you, but it's following the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me.


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