Friday, January 11, 2013

James Grier Website, Audio Sermons & Lectures (updated)


by Dr. James Grier

Personal Reflections on
Conservative Evangelicalism

by R.E. Slater

The audiocasts here provided are testament to my past education in the Regular Baptist denomination first marked by it's dispensational fundamentalism, and later, by a conservative evangelicalism refined in the fires of Covenantal Reformed teachings rejecting the Baptist plank of Arminianism and replacing it with Calvinism as its pejorative systematic. Dr. Grier was an excellent speaker and capable communicator who reaffirmed this common approach by many my Christian tribe. To know where Christianity stood in the 1970s and 1990s is to listen again to its many reflections on God, Scripture, and Christ's Atonement.

However, I created Relevancy22 as further personal testament to Spirit-led divine inspiration  I received years ago urging me to expand my inherited discipleship in the Westernized Christian faith both i) progressively and, ii) as a way to find a biblical hermeneutic which might allow me to do this. After many years I have found that I cannot find a biblical interpretation any better than the "Love of God" as the central theme of Scriptures as shown to us in Jesus, as both divine Son of God and Lord of Lords Immanuel who has come to bring salvation to all.

I have sadly noticed over many years of observation that where the re-engaged biblical center of God's love runs astray is in those sincere or zealous Christians who follow God and translate His divine loving acts for divine wrath, judgment and hell if rejected - such as John Calvin had done in his Dogmatics (c.1536 - 1559). Similarly, when reading the biblical Gospels, Jesus spoke specifically to the religious Jewish leaders of his day as to their human perversion and idolatry of God which they were reinforcing through accumulated ungodly religious laws and sacraments over the centuries.

Hence, if I err as a follower of Jesus, it will be in speaking to God's love through-and-through-and-through all previously held Christian beliefs, dogmas, doctrines, creeds and confessions; and across as wide a range as I can ecologically, civilly, economically, politically, and socially. Like the many Venerable Bedes of our past common centuries who spoke to the Spirit-command of mercy, grace, forgiveness and Christian Humanism; or today, to that same subject of Christian Humanitarianism and Social Justice; so I urge all Jesus followers to speak God's love into all areas of life regardless of the abuses taught by the church into these same areas demanding grace.

And yes, James Grier does reiterate these same centuries-old pervasive church doctrines of sin and judgment as common to the fundamental and evangelic forms of Christianity I was raised in. He will argue these persuasively, regularly, and with vigor. All to which I will disavow, and in the same spirit of alacrity, speak persuasively, with vigor, and in regularity, as testament to God's enriching, infilling, healing love. Thus and thus, Relevancy22's shouts to a new message of God's love and against the sin that overcomes us in our self-righteous and sanctimonious Christian spirits.

An "Eco, Civil, and Socio, Christ-filled Humanitarianism" is far better for the world than any Christian ideologies urging:

i) civilly-exclusionary-dominionism; or,

ii) religiously-reinforcing-kingdom-reconstruction dogmas; or,

iii) any forms of Christian-White-Supremacist-fascist crusades held against civil democracies wishing to expand the legal rights of their polyplural, multiracial, and multicultural communities.

Better, to replace these zealous, agitating, unloving, church beliefs with a Christ-filled, God-filled love, centered in people of all kinds, than to exclude, berate, chastise, and belittle those who live differently to the unChristian ideals none of us can live up to... nor should we. I know of no better Gospel (Good News) of God than love, welcome, embrace, and resistance to both human and religious evil. God is a God of love, not a God of evil.

R.E. Slater

* * * * * * *

Dr. James Murray Grier (1932-2013) joined the staff of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in 1982, having earned degrees from Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Grace Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary.
Dr, Grier served as Executive Vice President and Academic Dean for 16 years. In addition, he also held the position of Distinguished Professor of Philosophical Theology until 2012.
As we recall his contributions and consider his legacy, we invite you to engage selected resources from his work and ministry.


Creation (MARBC 2009) 
Death, Dying & Euthanasia (Critical Session) 
Genetic & Stem Cell Research (Critical Session)
Reproductive Technologies (Critical Session) 




The site and links below may no longer be operative but are kept as an indication of some of the additional sermons and lectures Dr. James Grier had developed over a lifetime of speaking and engagement in evangelical thought.



~ the links below may no longer be operative ~

Reproductive Freedom Contrasted with a Biblical Theology of Family
The Dawn of the Age of the Spirit – Morning Service, West Cannon Baptist
Church: God’s Temple/Presence- Evening Service, West Cannon Baptist
A Legacy of Grace (at Grace Community Church 75th Anniversary)
The Triumph of the Servant – Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (at Metropolitan Tabernacle)
The Local Church as a Body of Believers in Christ – 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 (at Ridley Hall Evangelical Church)
The Gospel: A Funeral Homily for Dan Cummings
God’s Glory and Presence – Installation Service
The Corruption of Man - Genesis 3
Corruption of Society – Genesis 4
Triumph of Grace – Isaiah 6
Behold My Servant! – Isaiah 42:1-9
The Servant Triumphant – Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Jesus and the Spirit: Baptism & Temptation - Matthew 3 & 4
The Baptism of the Son of God – Matthew 3
The Testing of the Son of God – Matthew 4
Theology of Prayer: Part 1 – Matthew 6
Theology of Prayer: Part 2 – Matthew 6
Jesus’ Sermon on Missions – Matthew 10
Come Unto Me – Matthew 11
Mine Eyes Have Seen – Luke 2, Christmas Sermon
The Unspeakable Gift – Luke 2, Christmas Sermon
The Advent – Luke 2
Your Heavenly Father Will Give… – Luke 11:1-13
Gathering Riches for God – Luke 12:13-21
The Great Banquet – Luke 14
The Father of Two Lost Sons – Luke 15
Lost and Found – Luke 15
The Return of the Glory/Presence – Acts 2
The Impossible Possibility – Acts 2
From Glory to Glory – 2 Corinthians 3:18
I Timothy 4:6-16 – Ordination Sermon
The Word Above All Words – Hebrews 1:1-4
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ - Hebrews 2:1-18
What Have We Come To? Hebrews 12
The Church: God’s Temple/Presence pt. 1 – I Peter 2:4-10
The Church: God’s Temple/Presence pt. 2
The Investiture of the Lamb: Revelation 5
Hallelujah to the Triumphant Christ: Revelation 19
I Make All Things New – Rev. 21
We Shall See His Face – Revelation 22


~ the links below may no longer be operative ~

The Trinity – Part 2: London Reformed Baptist Theological Seminary
The Trinity – Part 3: London Reformed Baptist Theological Seminary
Islam’s Global Challenge to the Gospel
Myths & Misconceptions Concerning Homosexual Behavior & Genetics
The Biblical Basis for Heterosexual Behavior: An Evaluation of Homosexuality
Growing Old in God - Biblical and Ethical Considerations
Growing Old in God – Practical and Personal Reflections
Spiritual Responses to Dementia
Ministry in a Postmodern Context: Our Times and Culture
Ministry in Postmodern Context: Alternative Responses
The Ground of Certainty: Part 1
The Ground of Certainty: Part 2
Bio-Ethics: Do the Ends Justify the Genes
Bio-Ethics: Reproductive Technologies
Bio-Ethics: Death, Dying & Euthanasia
Missional Ministry in a Postmodern Context
What Do You Know for Sure?
The God Who Is


Delivered at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary 
by James M. Grier

~ the links below may no longer be operative ~

Jonah Retold:
Adventures in Cross-cultural Listening

10 Words 

Biblical Theology of Prayer

The Reformation Cry 

Ancient Light for Modern Times 

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