Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Poetry of R.E. Slater


The Poetry of R.E. Slater
(click to go to website)

General Poems

R.E. Slater - A Country Idyll 

Process Theology, ​Death, and Grieving

How Does God Address Racism in the Bible?

R.E. Slater - When I say I am a Christian (Black Lives Matter All the Time)
R.E. Slater - 7X7 Anger (Black Lives Matter All the Time)

Remembering George Floyd - The Day America Died

What If... ?

Langston Hughes - I Dream a World

Maya Angelou. Poet, Activist, Storyteller.

Howard Snyder - I Dreamed a Great Revival Came (poem)

14 Favorite Ways to Twist the Gospel

The Certainty of Completion Against Despair

Of Dads and Daughters, of Parenting and Love: "Wakefulness in a Night of Fireworks"

Verses on Humanity and Goodwill, Compassion and Forgiveness

R.E. Slater - Rebirth (poem)

R.E. Slater - The Glory of the Lord (psalm)

Love Between Friends

Best Coin Ever Spent...

An Evening Prayer, by Sir Thomas Browne

Poetry Magazine's Editor Christian Wiman Discusses Faith

Sam Walter Foss: A Christian Poet with an Optimistic Spirit

The Calf Path of an Open, Discerning Faith

Rebirth: Towards An Open Bible and Emerging Faith

The Wonders of God's Creation - Kuroshio Sea and Poem

R.E. Slater - Expressing Love (poem)

R.E. Slater - Star Light, Star Bright (poem)

Padraig O Tuama - "Go in Pieces" (poem)

R.E. Slater - A Prayer (a poem)

R.E. Slater - The Power of Our Words (poem)

Geroge Herbert, "Easter Wings" (poem)

R.E. Slater - Jars of Clay (poem)

Of Calvin, Barth and Poetry


R.E. Slater - A Country Idyll

R.E. Slater - Seeing God in the Color of Blue

R.E. Slater - The Wheel of Time (The Wheel or the Anvil?)

R.E. Slater - The Holy Trilogy: Process Theology, EcoTheology & TheoPoetics


What Is In a Christian Label? Examining Conservative, Progressive & Processual Christianity

The Future of Quantum AI

RCPT, Part 7 - (2015) A radical theology for the future: five theses

Radical Christian Process Theology, Part 6 - Radical Approaches, Propositions & Applications

RCPT, Part 5 - Chatbot and I Discuss Radical Christian Orthodoxy v. Radical Secular Theology v. Process Christian Theology

Radical Christian Process Theology, Part 4 - Secular v Christian Radical Theologies

Radical Christian Process Theology, Part 2 - "Radical Love"

Odes to Creation, Life, Purpose, Nation Building, and Parenting


R.E. Slater - A Country Idyll (prose)

Tolkien Untangled with Poems, Songs, and More Video References

The Church's Most Radical Theology is Learning to Teach and Be Love

R.E. Slater - Seeing God in the Color of Blue

R.E. Slater - A Radical Democracy (Being a Radical Church of Refuge and Inclusivity)
R.E. Slater - And Death Shall Go Before Them (ditto)

R.E. Slater - In the Processual Beginning

R.E. Slater - Being and Begetting (Gary Lachman - Caretakers of the Cosmos)

R.E. Slater - Middle Earth Prose (Tolkien Untangled)

With Malice Towards None... A World in Search of Peace

R.E. Slater - The Wheel of Time (The Wheel or the Anvil?)

R.E. Slater - The Power of God's Love (Process Sovereignty vs Church Sovereignty)

R.E. Slater - In the (Processual) Beginning (The Quantum Physics of a Particle Universe)

R.E. Slater - The Birth & Death of God

R.E. Slater - Ruptured Soils

Palm Sunday Readings, Poems & Observances

R.E. Slater - Butterfly Wings of Promise

R.E. Slater - 7X7 Anger (Black Lives Matter All the Time)

R.E. Slater - Being and Becoming

R.E. Slater - The Eighth Day of Creation

R.E. Slater - Meditations

Envisioning a Process Relational Theology

The Son of Protagoras - "Standing Between Wisdom & Destruction"

Film Review - Annihilation: Death or ReBirth?

R.E. Slater - Ancient Rhythms

R.E. Slater - The Holy Trilogy: Process Theology, EcoTheology & TheoPoetics

Love and Time Explored Through Prose, Video, and Poem

Kintsukuroi - "Broken Jars of Clay Repaired with Gold"

OneRepublic - Come Home (prodigal son)

R.E. Slater - Kindred Fellowships (a poem)

The Certainty of Completion Against Despair

Verses on Humanity and Goodwill, Compassion and Forgiveness

R.E. Slater - Rebirth (poem)

R.E. Slater - The Glory of the Lord (psalm)

Best Coin Ever Spent...

Rebirth: Towards An Open Bible and Emerging Faith

The Wonders of God's Creation - Kuroshio Sea and Poem

The Poetry of R.E. Slater

R.E. Slater - Expressing Love (poem)

R.E. Slater - Star Light, Star Bright (poem)

R.E. Slater - A Prayer (a poem)

R.E. Slater - The Power of Our Words (poem)

R.E. Slater - Jars of Clay (poem)