Thursday, June 30, 2011

NPR - Natural Gas: Promise and Perils

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Listen: 10:06 a.m. (ET) Natural Gas: Promise and Perils

An environmental clean water protester participates in a rally
in the state capitol  against gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale
natural gas formation Tuesday, June 7, 2011 in Harrisburg, Pa.
(AP Photo/Bradley C. Bower)
Natural Gas: Promise and Perils

New questions about what's been called the fossil fuel of tomorrow: The natural gas industry faces scrutiny over its optimistic financial forecasts and the environmental safety of fracking.

Natural gas extracted from deep shale deposits has been hailed as the key to America’s energy future. Compared to alternatives, natural gas is cleaner and is said to produce fewer greenhouse gases. It is also forecasted to be available at affordable prices, but some say as production rises, extraction costs will go up as well putting a squeeze on profitability. In addition, many argue short and long term environmental risks have yet to be adequately addressed by regulators or the industry: Opportunities and unanswered question about this country’s natural gas boom.


Ian Urbina
reporter, NY Times

Tony Ingraffea
Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering
Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow
Cornell University

Seamus McGraw
writer and author of "The End of Country"

John Hanger
former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

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