Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Godless Generation?
by Brandon Mouser in Original Content
Posted: December 23, 2010
Tags: ‘Millennials’ Least Religious Group in American History, Charisma Magazine, Jennifer LeClaire, Jess Rainer, Millennials: Connecting to America's Largest Generation, Scott Harvey, Thom Rainer

Today, my dear friend Scott Harvey posted a link to an article in Charisma Magazine titled ‘Millennials’ Least Religious Group in American History.

In this short article, Jennifer LeClaire, points out some observations made by Thom Rainer and his son, Jess Rainer, in a new book entitled Millennials: Connecting to America’s Largest Generation.

These points include:

• Although Millennials still say they are “spiritual,” this group is the least religious generation in American history. Only 13 percent of Millennials considered any type of spirituality to be important in their lives. In fact, most Millennials don’t think about religion at all.

• Millennials are marrying much later, if at all. In 1970, about 44 percent of 18- to 25-year- old boomers were married. Today, only 15 percent of Millennials in that age group are married.

• Although 84 percent of Millennials say job success is important to them, they are not workaholics. They want to have fun with their co-workers on the job, and they see the need for balance between work and life.

• Although this generation distrusts politicians, they are motivated by a strong, centralized federal government. They expect the federal government to be a solution to many social problems, such as universal health care and retirement.

I admit that, although I do have this book, I have not read it. (imagine that!) I personally do not have any qualms with these observation. However, the question that comes to mind after reading this article is this:

What is so unappealing about faith in Christ to Millenials, or to anyone for that matter?

Or perhaps a better worded question/observation would be this:

Those proclaiming faith Christ started with just a few people in the far corner of the Roman Empire and exploded to over 1 million people out of an estimated population of 181 million in about 100 years; 200 years later, over 6 million. And so on.

What was it about this message of Jesus that was so compelling, to those people, as to experience increases like that over such a relatively short period of time?

Are we missing something? Is the compelling Jesus message somehow different today than its original? What is it about the Christian message that is so uninviting to this living generation?
Five Major Trends for Churches in America
by Thom Rainer
Posted: August 03, 2010
Identify the trends that will shape future ministry opportunities.
Church Central
Topics: Community impact, Congregational care, Generational differences, Growth, Members, Spiritual care, Trends
Filters: Elder, Generational ministry, Pastor, Pastoral care, Seniors ministry, Spiritual director, Young adults ministry
References: None

Discerning future trends can be difficult if not risky. If we miss a trend, we risk missing opportunities because we had our resources directed elsewhere.

I am thus careful when I do trend projections. I am especially careful when I am projecting trends that will have a direct impact on the churches in America.

The Basis for the Trends

The trends that follow were not created in a vacuum. Most the information is based on studies we have done at LifeWay Research. But much of this research provides us information and facts about today's realities. It does not offer certitude for future trends.

The process is analogous to weather forecasting. We can see all the ingredients that will likely cause a specific outcome. But those factors can change, so we can never say that we are 100 percent certain.

Five Major Trends

Because most of the research that is the basis for these trends was related to American demographics, we must not extend the projections beyond our nation's borders. Nevertheless, it is possible that some of the research could have implications beyond American churches.

1. Our nation will see the emergence of the largest generational mission field in over a century. According to our current research, the Millennial generation—those born between 1980 and 2000—will have a very low Christian representation. Our estimates now are that only 15 percent are Christian. With a huge population of nearly 80 million, that means that nearly 70 million young people are not Christians.

2. The dominant attitude of this huge generation toward Christianity will be largely indifferent. Only 13 percent of the Millennials rank any type of spiritual matter as important to their lives. They are not angry at churches and Christians. They simply ignore us because they do not deem us as meaningful or relevant.

3. Senior adult ministries in churches will experience steep declines. As the large Baby Boomer generation moves into their older years, they will resist any suggestion that they are senior adults, no matter how senior they may be. Unfortunately, many churches are slow to adapt to new realities. If they do senior adult ministry the way they've always done it, it will be headed for failure.

4. The large Boomer generation will become more receptive to the gospel. Our data is anecdotal for now, but we are seeing indications that the Boomers may actually become more interested in spiritual matters in general, and Christianity specifically. If so, this trend will be counter to other trends, where adults tend to become less receptive to the gospel as they age. The Baby Boomers have tried it all and found no joy. They may likely turn to the hope of the gospel.

5. Family will be a key value for both of the large generations. For the Millennials, family is their most important value. Nearly 8 out of 10 Millennials ranked family as the important issue in their lives. They told us that they had healthy relationships with their parents who, for the most part, are Baby Boomers. Some churches say they are family friendly, but few actually demonstrate that value. Churches that reach both of these generations will make significant changes to become the type of churches that foster healthy family relationships.

The Opportunity to Respond

We believe these trends may indeed become reality. They admittedly do focus only on two generations, but these two groups are the largest two generations in America's history. They cannot be ignored.

Trend projecting is a meaningless exercise if it fails to engender action. Ultimately each local church must determine where God is leading the congregation. In the case of the five trends noted here, the opportunities seem significant. May the response of Christians and churches be nothing less than radical obedience.

Thom Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. © 2010

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