Religion & Spiritual Crisis:
Ministry in a Secular Age Workshop
Ministry in a Secular Age
Tripp Fuller is on a roll. I can hardly keep up with all the classes he's been offering lately!
Here's another excellent class for those interested in how the Christian faith works inside of a secular church culture. Let's just say it can and it can't.
The can part is pretty easy: "Love God, Love your neighbor."
The can't part is a bit harder because of all the disinformation the church gives off about what "Is of God" and what "Isn't of God".
Lately, it feels like:
"That which is of God according to the church really isn't of God. And that which is claimed not to be of God by the church really is of God."
Get it?
The Church is living out its own age of reversals where the light claiming to be light is really darkness but thinks it is light assuring its congregations by defensive denials and apologetic arguments.
But not so. If you've been following me on Relevancy22 and the assortment of articles posted here you'll see readily enough that what is thought true of the gospel of Christ really is not of Christ when spoken through the secularity of churches claiming to be "biblical".
Which is a shame.
And yet, over the years what true Christianity is has been presented and explained time and again from many voices and through many articles how and what and why a biblical Christianity is, and is not, what it could be.
Let's learn together again!
Sign up for Tripp and Andy's class, "Ministry in a Secular Age" and bring your prayer and devotional being to the group.
The Church of Jesus has a lot of heavy lifting to do in the new pandemic age to come with all its confusion and strident voices declaring those who are of God and those who are not.
I, for one, pray to the Lord to give to me and my readers hearts full of conviction, humility, and inquiring spirits. To this end, thank you Lord for your faithfulness in these difficult days.
R.E. Slater
April 13, 2021 |