Sunday, April 11, 2021

R.E. Slater - The Birth & Death of God


The Birth & Death of God

by R.E. Slater

"They spoke death to me during the day.
They spoke death to me in the night.
God spare me the Great Corruption.
Let me speak life and light."- res

"God is love," I said,

But God must condemn!

"God is love," I said,

But God must hate!

"God is love," I said,

But God must kill!

"God is love," I said,

But there must be justice!

"Then God must be dead,

And we have killed Him."

             . . .

Be careful how you birth

God to the world;

What you birth may bring

Beauty or destruction,

Salvation or death.

Let God love and be love,

All other loves are death.

R.E. Slater
April 11, 2021

@copyright R.E. Slater Publications
all rights reserved
Notice what the “death of God” means in the chiasm: God dies unless we come to God’s aid and let God be God in our lives. What has been traditionally called death of God theology is a headline grabber but it is a misleading misnomer—it should have been called the birth of God…
That is why I never speak of the death of God but of the birth of God or the desire for God... God is what God does, and what God does is what is done in the name of God, which is the birth of God in the world.
- Jack Caputo (Biography; Books)