Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Center for Open and Relational Process Theology

What Is Open and Relational Theology?

“Open and Relational Theology” is an umbrella label under which a variety of theologies and believers reside. This variety shares at least two ideas in common:

God experiences time moment by moment (open)

God, us, and creation relate, so that everyone gives and receives (relational)

Most open and relational thinkers also affirm additional ideas, such as the idea love is our ultimate ethic, creatures are free at least to some extent, all creation matters, life has purpose, genuine transformation is possible, science points to important truths theology needs to incorporate, and more.

A personal note of welcome from Founder Thomas Jay Oord

Our History

The Center for Open and Relational Theology began in 2019. It fosters networks, develops resources, sponsors projects, and promotes events that deepen and broaden open and relational theologies. It appreciates and builds from the important work of previous open and relational thinkers.

About Us

The center promotes open and relational theology in its various forms. It serves as a hub for people and organizations promoting open and relational theologies. Contact the center, its advisers, or those listed as voices to find out more.

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When first discovering Open and Relational Process Theology I had to start with the rejection of Calvinism's determinism and the inclusion of Arminianism's freewill. From their it naturally led to an open future incorporating complex relationality to God and creation. Later, discovering process theology, it all came together. But the basis started with Arminianism which Baptist's and Wesleyan's first preached under Jacobus Arminius. - R.E. Slater

Wikipedia - Relational Theism:   N/A