Friday, April 17, 2020

Thomas Jay Oord - Select Videos: Open and Relational Process Theology

Thomas Jay Oord - What is Process Theology

Tom Oord, "The God of Non­coercive Love
in the Face of Randomness and Evil"

What is Essential Kenosis? A short explanation

Thomas Jay Oord:
Love's Essential Aspects and Diverse Forms

Thomas Jay Oord - God Can’t Stop Evil Singlehandedly

LRR: God Can't, Thomas Jay Oord

Thomas Jay Oord - Lecture on Randomness and Providence
of God in an Open and Relational perspective

Why Go Wesleyan? 13 Reasons from Tom Oord

On Salvation: God's part and ours

Essentials, Nonessentials, and Love

Thomas Jay Oord - 
How does petitionary prayer work in Open Theism?

Thomas Jay Oord -
What is your view of kenotic theology?

Thomas Jay Oord - 
What is Open Theism and why is this an attractive view?

Thomas Jay Oord - What are miracles?

Rethinking Hell Live 020:
Relentless Love? An Interview with Thomas Jay Oord