Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blog Update: How to Proceed vs. Present Commitments

The last several weeks I've had to become involved in the life-and-death issues of my father related to his health and life-continuance as it begins to turn towards a steady decline. This medical condition will not immediately pass and will require several weeks or months of my attention over which time I am unsure how involved I can presently be in theological research and writing on contemporary issues.
Additionally, I have also been giving some thought and prayer to finishing my incomplete masses of poems and poetic stories which I had left off from a couple of years ago when beginning this blog site.

Another task I have also been considering is the re-writing of the many articles I have published here at Relevancy22 in order to place these in some kind of an online book format that readers may print off through Amazon at their discretion.

Lastly, I would like to have readers take over this site in the sense of disseminating its ideas and prose. The content herein should no longer be mine but belong to those who feel blessed and helped by its articles and messages. And based upon that information I could then re-package those articles by stepping-them-back into a timeless format that might supersede the events and issues of our day.
Hence, there is a lot to think and pray about. Which does not mean that this site, or my poetry site will be discontinued, only that I cannot give to them the attention that I have these past four years. Your help and consideration as always have been appreciated.
May the Lord continue to bless and direct you in the ways that are pleasing to Him.
To God be the glory,
R.E. Slater
May 19, 2013