Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Charity: Mercy Ships


For More Information:



About Volunteering

Volunteering for Mercy Ships will not only change the lives of those you serve, it will change you. There are many ways to support Mercy Ships in our global medical mission to help the poor. It takes all kinds, with all skills. There is a need for both medical and non-medical volunteers.

When you think of Mercy Ships, imagine what it would take to run a small city. There are volunteer positions in a variety of areas including: housekeeping, galley, deck crew, doctors and nurses and everything in between. Our volunteer opportunities are both long and short-term onboard the Africa Mercy.
  • Short-term crew can volunteer from two weeks to two years depending on the position and typically fill service roles or very specialized medical or technical positions.
  • Long-term crew make an initial commitment of two years and typically fill positions that require more continuity and training.
All of Mercy Ships volunteers are required to provide/raise their own funds to cover crew fees, insurance, and transportation to and from the service location.

Bring Hope and Healing

Charity: Water

sponsor a water project
Do it as a family, or in the name of a loved one.
Then, use one of our personalized cards to share the message.

fundraise for clean water
Give up your birthday, run a race, shave your moustache...
grow a moustache! You can do anything to fundraise for water.

One in eight people on the planet drinks water
that's likely to make them sick. The water crisis
and poverty go hand-in-hand.

Proving every completed water project.
See where every completed charity: water project is located on Google Maps.
Browse by country or plug in a GPS coordinate of a specific project, if you have one.

Almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. We're working to change that. Join us and learn how you can help >


 Stories from the Field



Help us build water projects around the world. Your money will be used for direct water project costs like pump heads, cement and pipes. Just $20 can provide one person with clean, safe drinking water, and 100% of your donation will fund water project costs.
donate to water projects
*all gifts to charity: water are tax-deductible


We're fundraising for a new drilling rig for our partners in Ethiopia. The new FS 250 drilling rig can drill an additional 80 wells a year, and serve 40,000 more people with clean water in Ethiopia. 100% of your donation will fund the FS 250 drilling rig.
donate to the drilling rig
*all gifts to charity: water are tax-deductible


My Secrets Video

If you find that you have no words after viewing this video you will be in good company. The pain and heartfelt emotions shown here ache for embrace and love. To all those who have travelled this road or know someone who had, please know that our prayers and sympathies go out to you. If ever an example of strength can be seen, it has found a home  in this young woman's brave spirit.

"God heals the broken heartened.
He binds up their wounds."
- Psalms 147.3

My Secrets Video
"I love and miss you, mom"


[spoiler alert]

Please view the video first before scrolling down


National Suicide Hotline
With Help Comes Hope -

How to Talk about Suicide.


After accidents and homicides, suicide is the third leading cause of death among young adults ages 15-24. It can be prevented. Men are more likely to commit suicide than women. They usually use violent means to end their own lives. Females, on the other hand, are more likely to attempt suicide. They usually use drugs or poison to try and end their lives. You should note that a suicide attempt is a "cry for help" and a request for social support. The suicidal person is letting his/her feelings be known. His/her problems seem overwhelming and too difficult to handle.

Why do College Students Kill Themselves?

Because each individual is unique there is no single reason as to why a student commits suicide. However, there are several factors that may contribute to a student having suicidal thoughts. These include:
  • Major life transition, such as loss of a loved one, breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend, moving to a new town or school, failing an exam or course, not getting into one's choice of major, etc. These major life changes can cause a college student to feel unloved, depressed, isolated and lonely.
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Problems in living seem more than one can bear. No matter what one does things do not seem to be getting better and no one seems to care or can help.
  • Negative feelings about oneself. A student who is suicidal experiences feelings of worthlessness and of being a failure. He/she may not be doing well in school or may not be excelling in academic or social areas that are of interest.
  • Wanting to end unbearable pain/problems that are so overwhelming.
  • Alcohol and substance abuse can cause a student to lose self control and engage in impulsive suicidal behaviors.
Note that depression is a major contributing factor to suicidal thinking. Depression may result from several factors, including the recent loss of a family member or friend, disappointments in romantic relationships, or failure to live up to one's own or others expectations.

Myths and Facts About Suicide

There are many myths about suicide:                                   
  • Asking a student if he/she is thinking about suicide will put the idea into his/her head.
  • Once a student decides to commit suicide there is no way of stopping him/her.
  • Suicide happens without warning.
  • Students who commit suicide are mentally ill.
  • Discussing the problem openly shows the suicidal student that someone cares and wants to help.
  • Most students who are suicidal do not want to die. They are making a "cry for help".
  • 75% of the people who attempt or commit suicide have shown some warning sign(s).
  • Students who are suicidal are not necessarily mentally ill.


Warning Signs

There are verbal and non-verbal warning signs of suicide that will let you know that your classmate or friend is crying for help.

NON-VERBAL warning signs include:
  • Giving away personal or prized possessions.
  • Increased alcohol or drug use.
  • Sleeping too much or too little.
  • Lack of interest in personal appearance.
  • Lack of interest in friends.
  • Lack of interest in social activities that were formerly of interest.
  • Poor performance in school.
  • Boredom, restlessness, and loss of concentration.
Please note that many of these warning signs are signs of depression. Depression does not necessarily mean that a person is contemplating suicide. But depressed people often think of suicide.

VERBAL warning signs include such negative statements as:
  • "Instructors, classmates, families and friends do not care."
  • "Life isn't worthwhile."
  • "People are better off without me."
  • "Everything seems to be going wrong."
  • "I don't need this any more."


Ways to Help

  • Talk openly and freely and ask direct questions about the student's intention.
  • Listen to what is said and treat it seriously. Do not add to your friend/classmate's guilt by debating, arguing or lecturing about whether or not suicide is right or wrong.
  • NEVER leave a student who is suicidal alone.
  • Encourage the student to seek help.
  • Get help immediately.