Monday, September 19, 2011

Charity: Operation Smile

Changing faces with a smile - Operation Smile

An amazing little girl who had her cleft lip surgery.People ask me why I volunteer overseas so much.... It takes my eyes off me and allows me to remember what life is all about. When we use what we have been given (whatever that might be) to make a positive change for our world, that's when life make sense.... In a time when the world seems to be imploding with greed, there are certain things that will always remain invaluable... like the smile on this girls face when she realises her life will be changed forever. Her lip is still swollen and painful as she is only 24 hours post surgery but the joy in her eyes is unmistakable and makes my heart laugh without measure. I hope it brings the same to you. - plasticd1

About Us

We mobilize a world of generous hearts to heal children's smiles and transform
lives across the globe. We're Operation Smile, and we hope you'll join us.
Compassionate people dedicated to healing cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities.
Every gift can help change a life.
Forging a new frontier of safe and effective surgical care.
We demonstrate exceptional stewardship while transforming lives.
Our work comes from the heart. And we are honored to make a difference.
We’re proud of the company we keep.
Our donors, volunteers and partners make it happen.
We’d love to hear from you.